Then, today I was checking everyones blog's and Beene came in asking for a drink. I went into the kitchen and this is what I found!! Julles had climbed up the drawers to get up on the counter so that she could get her animal cookies. She said, "I need a snack!" I once again grabbed my camera and snapped a picture and got her down asap!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Silly little girl...
Then, today I was checking everyones blog's and Beene came in asking for a drink. I went into the kitchen and this is what I found!! Julles had climbed up the drawers to get up on the counter so that she could get her animal cookies. She said, "I need a snack!" I once again grabbed my camera and snapped a picture and got her down asap!!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Family Painting Time...
Again, hard at work... painting and painting!!
Beenie's final masterpiece... the happy faced pumpkin!!! You can see it... right??
Julles painting style is more abstract!!! She just slaps a bunch of different colors on there and calls it good!!! She calls this one, "mommy". It is just beautiful!!!
Little Girl's Garden's!!!
Girls Night Success...
I love this one, I think it is one of my favorite birthday cards that I have done yet!! I love this "B" stamp set. You can do lots with it!
This was by far my favorite card of the night! It is so stinkin cute with these colors and I love that it is a "just because" type of card!!!
Thanks to Amy again, for making our year of Girls Nights something to look forward to! It was also fun because my sister Stacey and her girls were able to come and partake of this fun night!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Ohhhhh... So cute!!!

Needless to say, the girls are inlove with this little bunny with no name! We keep asking Jeremy what he is going to name it, and he can't decide yet! So, the girls and I decided it was a girl, and that we were going to call her "bun-bun"! The girls couldn't stop looking at her. Julles had perma-lines in her forehead, nose and chin from pushing her face up so close to the cage. We had her cage up on the counter, and the girls had done really well not pushing it or anything, so I headed over to the couch to watch a little show, and I looked over and Julles had that thing so close to the edge... scary!! So, we moved her to the floor, that way the kids could look at her all they wanted! When Jeremy took our little bun-bun home tonight, Julles cried and cried saying, "Mommy, bring back my bun-bun!!!" Jonathan told me last night, "don't even think about it Jamie!!" I told him I didn't want a bunny! He told me I had put the nix on him wanting to get a bird, so I couldn't get a bunny!! I don't want to have to change diapers and a bunny cage!! But, the girls really would love a little bunny of thier own... but not for now!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008
Memory Lane...

I'm lovin my dad's glasses, and my super un-cute short hair! Don't ya just love the late 80's/ early 90's? Thanks dad for sending me this great memory, I am glad to have it for my own box of photo's!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Food for thought...
Homemade Baked Macaroni and Cheese
2 1/2 c. cooked elbow mac
2 T. butter
3 T. flour
1 t. salt
2 1/2 c. milk
2 c. shredded cheddar cheese
In a sauce pan, melt butter, add flour and cook for a few minutes. Add milk and salt to make white sauce. After the mixture has boiled, add 1 c. cheese to the sauce mixture. Mix until cheese is melted and incorporated. Place Mac in a 9x13 pan, pour the sauce over top and then sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake at 375 degrees uncovered for 25 minutes.
This is great as a side dish or a main dish served with veggies or a salad.
Shirley's Marvolous Meatballs
2 lbs. ground beef
1 c. bread crumbs (or 2 slices of bread torn, or in a food processer)
1 c. chopped onions
1 1/2 t. salt
1/4 t. garlic powder
1 egg
1/2 c. apple sauce (don't use the kind w/cinnamon)
4 small can's tomato sauce
In 2- 9x13 pans, pour one small can of tomato sauce in the bottom of each pan. Mix the meat mixture, and make large meatballs (I use my ice cream scooper), place in the sauce, and then pour another small can of sauce on top of the meatballs in each pan. This recipe usually makes 24 large meatballs. Bake at 350 degrees, for 1 hour. When they are done, you can serve them as is, or you can add them to spaghetti sauce.
These are great with Spaghetti and Meatballs or sandwiches with crusty bread and melted cheese.
(I know it sounds wierd to have applesauce in with meat, but... it doesn't taste the same without it!! Trust me!) Julles can eat three or four of these huge things!
**** I hope you all enjoy these recipes, if you try them... let me know what you think! ****
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I know it's only June...
I am sooo excited for this new school year to start. I love teaching these cute kids, and this year... Julles get's to go to school as well. We are doing it three days a week, and I don't know what I am going to do when it is not my turn to teach, and I have so much time alone! I am going to have to find something fun to do. Oh what fun!!!
Oh how lovely is the morning!!!
Thanks Stace for giving me the courage to do this without having my husband do it! She does everything herself, from changing out her dishwasher, to changing faucet's and air filters. I learn so much from you, Stacey and I appreciate you being a W-O-M-A-N!!!! You are a hero in my eye's!!! Oh, and my family thanks you deeply... now there will be no more comments like, "Mommy, it is soooo hot!"
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Father's Day to my dad! (a day late)

Saturday, June 14, 2008
My poor dead trees...
Honey, Bee's, and Bears!!
Beene: Mom, do I like honey?
Me: No, baby it isn't your favorite!
Beene: Do bee's like honey?
Me: Yes they do!
Beene: Do we have any honey?
Me: yes we do...
Beene: Can you put some in a bowl, and let me put it outside for the bees, so they can have a snack?
Me: Oh sweety, they make their own honey!
Beene: How about for the bears??
Me: We don't want any bears in our yard, do we?
Beene: Mom, we need to share! They are proably very hungry!
Anyone for PIE?
Strike a pose!!!
Chip injury!!
My new purses!!
This was my "purchase" purse, and it is big and has lots of pockets on the inside for lots of fun things. I can use it as a purse and (I swore I would never do this, before I had kids, but) a diaper bag. My sister's used to tell me, "you'll understand when you have kids" and I just didn't believe them.
This was my "winner" purse. I really like this one too!! It is shorter than the other one, and only has one pocket on the inside and then one on the outside! I didn't get this one until friday, so I already had my other one packed up like 15 minutes after I got home from the party! So, I guess I'll have to switch them around from time to time! These cute things are washable as well!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Our Home...
Attention, Attention!!!
She got a little frusterated sometimes that the peddles couldn't peddle by themselves. She kept saying, "Come on dumb peddles, go by yourself". She didn't quite understand!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Fun Purses!!!
Here is a link to her site, she is based here in Cache Valley, but I think you can order online as
I am proud to announce...
Some of my favorite things as of today!!

So, since I get migraines like mad, I have to be careful with what I drink. Therefore no caffiene for me! My favorite drink of all time is coke, and so this is my new favorite! I am also glad that I like this because I don't let my kids drink caffiene either, so they can now share my love for coke!! Now, if only resturaunts would start to carry it, that would be great!
This is a PLUOT, it is a mix between a plum and an apricot, they are SUPER yummy and I love when I can find them. Usually it is a summer/fall fruit you can find. They come in different colors and sizes, and they are delish! I love them, my kids love them, and my husband loves them. I got a huge box of them at Sam's Club for only $6! We have almost eaten them all and we've only had them a few days!
So, there you have it, my fav's for the week! You might want to try them if you haven't, you may just add a new treat to your likings!
Monday, June 9, 2008

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Tuna butta anyone?

I love the things that kids come up with! They amaze me with the things that they put together. I love how thier little brains work.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Charlie bit my finger - again !
I love this video, and we watch it lots with cousins. Today, I was working, and heard my girls saying these exact words... Beene was the bitee, and Julles was the biter!
So, this little video is of Beenie when she was just a peanut, and it describes in a nutshell how we are feeling about the weather disappointment. Since the weather has decided not to cooporate with our Zoo outing scheduled for tomorrow, it has been put on hold!!! Sad!!!
Way back wednesday!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Cloudy Mountains!
How do you eat your sandwich cookies???
The cookies with the frosting all scraped off, and in a line!
Have you ever sweat so bad, it runs down your face??
Monday, June 2, 2008
The frusteration of a 3 year old...
She threw a rock on the tile, like it was a bouncy ball and I said,
"Please don't throw hard things on the tile, it might break!"
She then replied,
"Ok mom!!"
Then a few minutes later she went stompping to the couch and yelled:
"I am mad, mad, mad mom!"
I asked her why she was mad, mad, mad and she replied,
"because my rock didn't break!! It made me mad, mad, mad!!"
Oh if only that were the only frusteration we had, that would be a good life!!
Joseph has left the nest...

We are going to the zoo...