Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I am proud to announce...

That Jillian Sadie Johnson now know's how to fold her own shirts. She has been my little shadow lately, wanting to do everything that I am. Today, I was folding one of my massavely huge loads of laundry, and she wanted to help... So, she sorted the stuff into piles, her's, Julles, mine and Jonathan's. Then, she put all her shirts in a pile, her panties, and her pants. I started folding Julles stuff, and she begged me to teach her how to do it. So, I took a shirt and she took a shirt and I showed her how to do it twice, she then proceeded to fold all of her little shirts. She says that she wants to help me again tomorrow, so maybe this time I'll take pictures.

I sure hope that she is as willing to help me do these chores, when she is older and has to do them. She does a great job now!!!

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