Saturday, June 14, 2008

Chip injury!!

The other day I was snacking on some of my yummy sun chips, and I got jabbed by one in the back of my throat. It hurt pretty bad when it happend, but I thought it would go away!!! I was wrong! Have you ever gotten a sore in the back of your throat??? OUCH!!! I feel like I have strep without all the sick feelings. It kills me to swallow... ANYTHING!! I have been downing Chloroseptic, and the taste is nasty... so I went to the pharmacy and asked my trusty pharmascist, Darwin, and asked him what else I could use. He told me to get Baby Orajel, and stick a q-tip with some of it on it, down my throat and hold it there. That tastes bad too, but works much better!!! It feels really wierd to have a numb throat, it scared me at first... but was well worth it! I never thought I would be using Orajel on myself, just my babies!

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