Monday, June 23, 2008

Memory Lane...

This is the picture I was going to put up on my Father's Day post, but my dad couldn't find it in all his pictures. Well, he called me today and let me know that he found it and was emailing it to me. So, this is a picture of he and I raking leaves. We had this huge tree in our front yard that covered our yard and other's in the fall. We always had fun raking the leaves into a pile and then he'd let me run and jump in them. We got to be quite the pro's at these leaves by the time we moved.

I'm lovin my dad's glasses, and my super un-cute short hair! Don't ya just love the late 80's/ early 90's? Thanks dad for sending me this great memory, I am glad to have it for my own box of photo's!


amber said...

That's the best picture!!! I hate looking back at my hair when we were young! I've promised myself that I will never let Katelyn have poofy hair like I did!!!

Kendall said...

What a great pic! Such memories! How fun!

Kendall said...

Oh, p.s. thanks for changing my are the best!