Saturday, June 14, 2008

My poor dead trees...

We have these three pine trees in our backyard up on some landscaping rocks. The people we are buying our house from planted them two years ago. Well, I am thinking they aren't doing so well... what do you think? We are going to have all three of them pulled. We are going to put in some shrubs. These people went a little pine tree happy, we have like 10 pine type trees in our yard.

This little one doesn't have any needles on it anymore. It died in the fall, but the landscapers couldn't get it out until the summer. So, it is going some time soon! The landscaper's are the ones who placed this tree, not the other people!

This is a giant tree, and the top and the bottom are dead, the middle sure is pretty and green! The other big one, is all brown up the middle of the tree. It will make me happy to get rid of the two big ones, because they are not placed right anyway! The little one though was really cute and I liked where they put it!

1 comment:

Jana Nickle said...

Looks like a few trees in my yard that were removed recently!! Missed you yesterday at moms.
Those pies and purses look yumm-o!
Those pics of the girls posing are adorable too!