Wednesday, April 30, 2008
My baby is getting sooo big...
She is so smart and has learned so much this year. She is a sponge and she amazes me with the things that she remember's. She had such a great time this year, made some good friends, and learned some very fun things. I am so proud of her, she is just one amazing kiddo!!
I know, you would think that she was graduating high school or something, but it is just her first year of Joy School. Her graduation is next monday. I will have pictures and a total rundown of what happens.
I love my girls! (if you couldn't tell already!)
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Chicken Salad...
Lori's Yummy Chicken Salad
6 c. cooked, cubed chicken
2 1/4 c. red seedless grapes, cut in half
1 1/2 c. celery, diced
3/4 c. toasted almonds (totally optional, I like it without)
1/4 c. green onions, diced
2 c. mayo
1-8 oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened
4 t. lemon juice
1/2 t. seasoning salt
dash of salt
Put all your meat, veggies, and fruit in BIG bowl. In a mixer, mix cream cheese, mayo lemon juice and seasonings together until smooth. Pour over the chicken mixture, and mix until everything is covered in the dressing. You can eat right away, but it tastes better after it chills atleast an hour. It is good served in pita bread, lettuce wraps, croissant rolls, hollowed out tomatoes or bell peppers, or tortilla's.
Serves 20 big sized servings!!!
A happy birthday for my sweety!!!
Girls Night Out... again!!
I am making chicken salad for my treat to bring. Last time we had a TON of sweet treats, so this time, I thought I would do something not sugary!! I like how I said "bring something", since it is at my house!!
Well, I have to go and get my house ready for company. It is nice that I have this once a month, because my house is generally straightened up, but once a month it get's a good deep clean.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Happy Birthday to a special mommy!!!
Here's our special birthday song, that she sings to us every year on our birthdays...
My name is zoom and I live on the moon
I just came down to sing you this tune
Hey Mommy, its your birthday... today!!!
Here's to another great year mom!!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Prepare yourself..., I wish I could figure out how to put the whole video on here instead of just the link, but this is the best I could do.
I love my husband's employers!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Saying Goodbye...
We were able to have our time with her, to say our goodbyes. We were able to spend time as a family and grieve together. Then, it was time to close her casket... I had held it together the whole time, until this point in the evening. When Bret came up and started talking, I lost it. Jonathan wasn't able to be there, and so I had the girls there with me. I was sitting on a chair with one girl on each leg and I started balling. Julles then looked at me and said really loud, "Mom, don't cry!!! Only babies cry!" she repeated that a few times and I got it under control, but it was hard not to just wale!! This was my grammer, and that was going to be the last time I was going to see her actual face and body. There was a gentleman who was a friend of Grammer and Gramps and Bret's family who said a prayer, then we watched as Bret closed the casket, what a hard experience to have. It felt so final.
Saturday, the weather couldn't have been more perfect. It was a warm day with a nice breeze. We went and had a family prayer, said by my mom. She did a great job on it, I know that she was worried about it a little. We then filed into the chapel at the mortuary, it was full to the brim with people who knew Grammer and loved her. Rachel and Mandi (my cousins) sang a beautiful song called "Remember Me" and did a fabulous job. A gentleman who was a friend of the family was officiating the services. We did not have an official eulogy, instead... the grandkids each took 2 or 3 minutes and told our memories of her. My sister's and I went first because my mom is the oldest daughter. Then Stacey and her 5 girls sang "For Good" from Wicked. They were phenominal!! Then Brad's wife spoke in place of Brady who was not able to be there. She said very nice things and read a poem that Brady had written. Then Jana and Natalie gave their memories. Bret's kids; Rachel, Mandi and Chris spoke about what they remembered about her. It was so neat to hear what everyone remembered about her. One thing that everyone agreed on was that we never heard Grammer get angry, she was a great example of patience, and deep unshaken love of family. I was worried that we might overlap memories, but it was perfect. We all remembered the silly songs that she would sing with us in the car, or the fact that she was proud of you no matter what you did. She would introduce the kids to her friends like this: name, and what their talent was. For Kristy, it was, "This is my grand-daughter Kristy, she's funny, say something funny Kristy!" So, needless to say, I was glad that I went after Kristy when I spoke, because she had a very heartfelt, funny speech prepared. I was so grateful that Jonathan helped me put my thoughts down on paper, because when I got out there, I was so nervous, I would have forgotten what I wanted to say. Anyway... there was a family that performed "Ashokan Farewell", it was beautiful, and she would have loved that song. Bret had everyone send him picture's of Grammer to him, and they put together a great video with her favorite songs being played on the piano as the movie ran. There was laughing and some tears in this great video. It was very rare to get a picture of her by herself, so most of them were of her with friends or family. Then, the pallbearers stood up and moved to the door at the front of the chapel, they took her casket and moved it to the door to put in the hurse and then we heard bagpiper's. I started balling, it was so powerful. Those bagpipes make beautiful music.
We drove to the cemetary and Bret said a dedicatory prayer of her grave site. My cousin Chris and little Avery released monarch butterflies and there was one that just would not fly away. It stayed on Chris' finger for a while, then it went to the casket and the flower arrangements that were around. All the little kids were able to touch it if they wanted, and then just before everyone started to leave, it flew away. How neat it was to watch them all fly away. They were really beautiful.
We went to Judy's after for a luncheon and it was hard to be there without Grammer, it was our first "family gathering" without her. It was wierd to see Gramps without Grammer near by. It was nice that we were all together as a family to be there for eachother. The food was really good, and there was a ton of it. Judy's friends were fabulous and were there to help with dishes and making sure there was food out for everyone. Judy, be sure to tell them thank you for us. How lucky we all are to have good friends to help us out when things are down.
I must say, I thought that things would be easier this week, but they aren't. I find myself really tired, and thinking of her a lot. I find myself crying while I cook, clean or do laundry. But, how lucky I was to have her around for so long, and to have her in my life as much as I did. She was my only grandma that I ever knew. She was a huge blessing in my life, and I am glad I knew her. Saying goodbye is hard, but I am glad to know it is not forever, and that I will see her again.
Love to all my family who will read this, I am thinking of you each day. Thank you to all my friends who gave kind words and had me in their prayers this weekend, it was appreciated.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Your invited...
Thanks a bunch!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Such sweet understanding...
I didn't think to really talk to her about what happened. She knew that she was sick, but I never said anything to her about her dying. I guess I don't give her enough credit.
Now, I have been talking to her about it more, since she is understanding things. I told her that we were going to go and say goodbye to Grammer today and she asked if she was going to be there. I told her yes and that she would be there, but she would be asleep in a casket. She then, of course asked me what a casket was, and I told her the only thing that came to my mind... a beautiful wooden box that she will be buried in. She said, "oh, to be buried in the sand?" I told her that she would be buried in the dirt tomorrow. She was ok with that, and then asked, "will I get to be there?"
I love my kids so much, and they have made it so that I haven't been a basket case all week long. They keep me laughing and grateful for the life that I have.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
So proud of myself....
So, introducing my huge Lego Helicopter.......
The beautiful girls for an "after" picture. The were sitting in the "brain washing" chair. (the chair with the thing on it that they put on you for perms and colors.) That is what Keri said a little girl called it once and it has stuck. I like it, it is very fitting!! Anyway... Daddy approved and thinks that his girls are still very beautiful. I had individual pictures of them with them standing up, but they were really fuzzy, I think I forgot to turn on my flash!!! Oh well!! We saved their first snippets of hair and Keri taped them together and we wrote their names on the tape. They thought that was pretty cool. Anyway, now they will look beautiful for the funeral on Saturday. Thanks to Keri for being such a great friend and hooking us up!!! You are awesome!!! I am next when she get's back from Disneyland!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Evelyn "Pete" Petersen Hines
Then you can find her name Evelyn Petersen Hines and click on view obituary if you'd like to read it and see her beautiful picture.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Grammer and the girlas...

This picture was the last picture we had taken with my grammer. This was right before her birthday lunch. We went to a chinese resturaunt because she loves the food, and Gramps won't eat it. We went to a great place (so great, I can't remember the name... but it is in Roy) where they made her feel super special. The owner was an older gentleman that kept trying to get my grammer to kiss him. I had never seen her so embarassed. Then, when we were done eating, he came and played a beautiful insturment for her and also played a leaf for her. It was such a great day, and I remember her saying that she knew it was going to be her last birthday. My girls gave her fruit loop bracelets and when we were looking for something the other day, we found them in the top of her special trinkets drawer. She was so thoughtful like that, keeping things that really meant a lot to kids.
Anyway, I just thought I would post this picture of all the Morrow sister's with their grammer on such a great day!!
For Good!!
Here is the link to the song on you tube in case you haven't ever heard it.
So Long, Farewell...
Friday, April 11, 2008
Baby hungry no more...
Yesterday was my sister's bday and she wanted to go and visit my grammer. She is babysitting her friends little boy named Ryan while his parents are in Hawaii. So, I offered to tend him so that she could have some quiet time with her. Well, let me start off by saying that Ryan is one of the cutest little boys around. He is super smart and I just wanted to snuggle him all the day long. He is 16 months old, and BUSY!!! I couldn't believe how lucky I have been to have kids who don't have to be watched all the time. He was all over. We had lots of fun, and Beene loved him. Stacey brought a bucket of horses which he calls "nays", and he loves dogs and was yelling out the back door, "goggy, goggy" and was getting mad that the doggy wouldn't come. He kept trying to go down the stairs and trying to escape out the front door and when he couldn't get the back door open, he tried the dog door. I caught him half way out that little flap. I changed a lot of diapers, and had to find a way to keep his hands busy because he doesn't like his pants pulled down. There is a coffee table with a glass top on it and I turned around for a second and turned around and he was standing on the edge of it. I don't know how it didn't flip him off to the ground because Julles pushes on the edge of the table and the glass lifts up. Scared me to death!!
I don't think that I could do it again and chase a little baby all over. I was saying "no, no" more than I like to. I loved having him with us and we had a lot of fun, he really is just a very busy baby. Also, Julles wasn't to fond of him, and got really jealous. I realized yesterday that she is kind of a bully. I don't think she would do well with a younger sibling. So, that totally sealed the deal. NO MORE KIDS FOR ME!!!!
I had a dream... and other ramblings
I have only lost one other immediate relative in my lifetime, the first being my cousin Andy, who died a few years back. I had a dream after he died that he came to me in a grocery store and wanted me to tell his mom and dad that he was doing great and was very happy. It was a lot more detailed than that, but that is the general idea. I didn't see him much growing up, but when we did get together, it was nothing but laughs and fun. It was hard to have him gone, but knowing what I know about death, I know it is not for long. The same goes for Grammer, but she has been such a big part of my life and it is just sad to know that she can't be here on earth with us forever. She is such a strong part of our family and has made our family strong. We were talking last night and Rich (my brother-in-law) said that she is truly the cornerstone of this family.
I was driving down to Ogden on Tuesday to see her, for what I thought might be the last time, and I thought to myself..."How lucky am I that I can get in my car and drive down to see her!" If this would have been back in the days of horse and buggy, how different things would've been. First of all, instead of a phone call, it would've been a letter that would have taken a month to get there, and then weeks to get to her side. I am so glad that I live in this time where we have the things that keep us in touch with the people that we love. I don't think that I could've asked for a better family than I have. Love to you all!!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Happy Birthday to Stacey!!!
So Stace...
I love you so much and am thankful that you and I are sisters. I love that you, Krit and I have such a good relationship. I am thankful to you for being such a great aunt to my kidlets and they love you more than you know!! You have always been there for me when I needed to vent or just needed a hug!
"I like you just because I like you"
(an excerpt from the book "I like you")
Here is a little song for you...
My name is Zoom and I live on the moon,
I just came by to sing you this tune...
Hey Stacey... its your Birthday... Today!
Love you lots and lots!
Thank You All!!!
Update: Yesterday we went back to her house because she had an ok night on tuesday night. We got there around 11:30 in the morning and the nurse came and said that her oxygen had dropped to 84, it had been 87 the day before. Her heart rate is a little wacky as well. She said that she is definatly in the down-hill slope of this life. My gramps cried a lot yesterday, it is so hard to see him cry because he is such a hard faced man. He has seen a lot of things in his life, he was in WW2 and had a lot of friends die in front of him, but this is something I have never thought I would see my gramps do. Gramps got out of the house with my uncle and was gone for a while, which is good considering he has been worried to leave her there, worried that something would happen when he is gone. He would never forgive himself for that. But, I think he felt ok leaving knowing that there was lots of family around. I went to check on her and she was awake, so I talked to her and told her that the kids were there and they were excited to be there at her house again. She decided she wanted to be up and out of her room with the family. Mom and Bret helped get her into the tv room, and she sat in there for a while. That tired her out so she wanted to lay down, but not in her room! She slept a while on the couch. I left to take the kids to Newgate Mall in Ogden to let them run and play on the soft play land they have. We were gone about an hour and a half and when we got home, Grammer was at the bar in the kitchen, eating applesauce and raisin filled cookies and some tissue. My mom told her she couldn't eat it, it was for her nose, and she had to fight her for it. Grammer got mad at my mom and gave her a really dirty look. After she ate, she cleaned up after herself, just like Grammer always has. She wiped up the crumbs and the spilled milk. I guess she looked at my mom earlier and was trying to say something and mom asked her what she wanted and she looked at her as said, "starved". They helped her to the tv room and there she sat with all the great grand kids watching Alvin and the Chipmunks for like two hours. She was laughing with the kids and trying to talk to them. She would get frusterated because she wanted to talk so badly, but couldn't get the words out. She would hold on to all the "littles" (that is what we call the great grandkids) and not let go. My cousin Mandi was sitting by her and she wanted to look at her watch, so she took it off so that gram could see it and she proceeded to pinch Mandi really hard. Then a few minutes later, my other cousin Rachel came running in and told us that she just ate the sponge we use to wet her lips down with. (it looks a lot like a sucker, it is a little blue sponge with a sucker stick on it.) So, my aunt and I ran in to get it out of her mouth and she was just a chewin that thing. We tried to get our fingers in her mouth to get it out, and she was so tight lipped we couldn't get her mouth open. So, Judy gave up, and Brad came in and used what he called "old dog tricks" and got her mouth open and she spit it out when one of the kids brought her a glass of water with a straw. I guess she was just really thirsty and was trying to get all the water out of there that she could!!! Needless to say, we threw that away and kept them away from her the rest of the night. We all ate dinner and figured she would maybe want to eat. They brought her out and she sat at the table with us all and ate noodles (that she poured water into and mashed up a cookie in it as well... yuck!!) She wouldn't let anyone help her, she wanted to do it on her own. It was like watching a baby trying to feed itself. She would laugh whenever my Uncle Brad was around. She obviously thought he was funny. She ended up eating lots of cookies yesterday and some cereal with banana. Mom and Judy got her in the shower, and Jana did her hair, they took her nail polish off, and made her all nice and comfy. It was so nice to have lots of family there again. It was good to see Brad, who drove from Reno all day. My cousin Brady is coming tomorrow, and will be there to help until Sunday. Grammer sure has a special place in her heart for her grandsons, since there were only three of them. We have a lot of girls in our family, boys are rare to come by. That will make her happy. I guess she slept really well last night and was bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning. My sister's Stacey and Kristy are there today visiting her.
Gramps thinks this is her "gift" that the hospice nurse keeps talking about. She said that right before people die, they will give the family and themselves a "gift", usually wanting to be out with the family and eating a lot. She said that you start to think she is just improving, but then within days they usually die. That is what happened to her mother in law. So, if that is the case, we were sure blessed with that gift and love her so much. If not, and she is just improving, then that is ok too. We cherish everyday we have with her and will never forget the memories that were made yesterday. We all laughed very hard and my stomach hurt so bad from it.
Thank you again to all those who left comments. Your friendships are special to me and I appreciate the prayers and thoughts! I also thank you for putting up with my endless writting!!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Our Grammer...
Grammer with Beene, Father's Day 2004
Last week my grammer (grandma) was put on hospice care. She has been slipping away the past few years and has gotten worse just over 2 weeks time. She has had several mini strokes and has just been getting really tired a lot lately. If you aren't familiar with hospice, they come in when a person has been given less than 6 months to live, and they are there to ease the death process. It was sad to hear that she had been put on this program because even though it is the best thing for her to "go home", it is hard because we will miss her so badly. The hospice people gave my grandpa a "handbook" of the dying process, things to watch for and so on. Well, she has been showing several of the signs for quite some time. Monday, my mom called me and said that when the nurse had gone to my grandparents home she let my gramps know that it wouldn't be long now. My mom let me know that I should go and see her soon so that I could have one last time with her. I was planning on doing it this afternoon, not a long visit, because she has been so lathargic lately.
This morning, at 8:30 my cell phone rang. I immediatly started to worry, because NO ONE calls me that early unless something is wrong. I was on the phone with Jonathan for his daily drive to work and started saying, "please don't be my mom, please don't be my mom!!!" I looked at my caller id and it was my sister Stacey. I then started to worry because I thought to myself, "if grammer died, mom wouldn't call me, Stacey, Kristy or dad would!" So, I answered while Jonathan was on hold and she started out with, "I just talked to mom..." I knew something was wrong. She proceeded to tell me that Grammer had gotten out of bed last night and tripped over her hope chest, hit her head, and passed out. Gramps (who only has one arm) picked her up and carried her over to the bed. She woke up and said she needed to go to potty. He got her to the potty and she passed out again. He called my aunt and my uncle who live not far from them, and they came over right away. They called hospice and a nurse came out as well. The nurse said that Grammer had suffered another stroke. She was very agrivated and was trying to take off her jammies and was scratching at herself. They had given her valium and morphine to try to calm her down. She couldn't talk, she was just babbling. The nurse said it wouldn't be too long until she passed.
I drove down with the girls and spent the day with my family. All the cousins were there except Brady and my uncle Brad is coming in tomorrow from Reno. I just kept saying on the way down there, "hang in Grammer until I can tell you I love you!" It was a nice day under the circumstances. The hospice nurse who is wonderful explained to us all about what to expect, and made us more comfortable with what is at hand. I was able to go in and sit on the bed with her and hold her hand, and she held my hand tightly as well. She would open her eyes, then close them and whenever anyone would come in the room, she would open her eyes again. She would look like she was trying to say something, but just couldn't get the words out. They changed her pain medication to something that would make her less itchy and aggitated, and it seemed to work better. By the time I left, she was more alert and was staying awake for long periods of time. She drank water, and after I left she had a little ice cream. She loves children and when the great grandkids came to visit, she wouldn't let go of them. Just before I left, I went and gave her a kiss and told her that I loved her very much and to get good rest. She held on to my hand and looked at me and without hearing her verbally, I felt her tell me that she loved me too. So, as of right now things with her are still lingering. She is still with us and we are all ready for her to go home, she is so miserable and we just want her to be at peace.
I love my grammer so much, and will miss her more than words can say. She is the grandma that I would wait at the window watching for and cry hysterically when she would leave. We made great road trips to St. George and Bear Lake together, she even had a barf bucket just for me in her backseat knowing that I got car sick on long drives. She would sing silly songs with us and always has great treats in her pantry. We always knew we were welcome whenever we wanted to come visit, and she treated us like royalty. When we were little, she would come from St. George and drive all the cousins to her house and we would stay for a week or two at a time. She made great food, and was always cooking for us. We never left her house hungry. She was the Bear Lake lady, she had a time share there and we would go every summer until I was 10. We were all so excited when she moved to Ogden so that she could be closer to us. All the cousins had put dibs on parts of her body that we wanted when she died. I wanted one of her arms because she had that soft "grammer" skin on it that we would play with all the time. Mandy wanted her head because of the skin under her chin, and Natalie wanted her whole body to be stuffed so that she could put her on her bed and always have her. We would all get mad at Nat because if she got her whole body, then we wouldn't get our parts. My uncle Bret is a mortitian and works at the mortuary that she will be taken to, and when she first heard of that, she made us swear that Bret would not be the one to get her body ready, as she didn't want him to see her naked!!! She would do the always embarassing grandma comments at all the right/wrong times... such as... while we are birthday shopping, she would pass by a group of cute boys and start talking about shopping for bra's! Of course my favorite was when we were checking out at a department store and she announced to everyone that she and I wore the same size bra. She built a great family and is sooo loved!
I feel so much better tonight about everything because I was able to see her again, and I know that even after she is gone, I will see her again... and I am so grateful about that! I know that my cousin Andy will be there with open arms when she passes, and that she will be with her mom and dad again. I know that she will watch over our family just as she always has. I am so grateful for all the wonderful memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life and I am oh so thankful that my kids got to be around her and grow to love her. I am thankful to my Aunt Judy for helping Gramps take care of her, and being so close to them. I am so grateful for Gramps and him taking such good care of her and listening to all her stories and going along with her as whe started to say silly things. I am so blessed by the life that they have had together. Bittersweet will be the moment that I get the phone call that says she is gone!
Thank you for listening/reading my ranting... but this was very theraputic!!!
My cup runneth over!
Easter Dresses...
Sleeping Beauties!!!
Beene had come into our bed in the middle of the night after a "bad dream" and slept the rest of the night with us. She looks so peacefull, and so in her element. I know, I know I need to get rid of the binky, she is almost 4, but she is little for a month longer!!!
Helping Hand...
I love this picture, it captures them as being the good friends that they are.
Friends are fun!!!
"V" is for Volcano!!!
This was on my last day of teaching and we were talking about the letter "V". I chose to make volcano's out of aroma dough and then let the kids paint them. They were a huge hit and the boys had a blast putting lava all over the place (my kitchen table was sure glad that they paints we used were washable... thank heavens for crayola!!!). I took a picture of each of the kids with their volcano's and their family booklets that they made over the course of three weeks. This is what my girls pictures turned out like!!!
Julles loved being a "big kid" and doing everything they did at school each day!
Here she is with her "atano" and she is soo proud of it, can't you tell?
This was one of like 5 pictures I took of her and her "pacano". Honestly, this is the one that turned out the best!! I tried and tried, but she would change her face and pose right when I would hit the button and so I just gave up!!! It kinda looks like she is doing the potty dance!! Wouldn't you agree?
Driving "Miss Beenie" and "Miss Drooly"
"Miss Beene" the diva, if you look closely she has her eyes totally closed!!!
"Miss Drooly" (because she drools when she sleeps in her seat!)
She had to hold the water bottle!!!
My Girls Night Out project revieled!!!
Drum roll please........
"The Box!!"