September 29, 1999 was the date that was set for this dinner. Jamie asked Jonathan what he looked like, so she would know who she was looking for. He told her, "I will be wearing jeans, a Navy shirt, my doc martin boots, and my hat on backwards... I look like Ricky Martin!" Jamie got very excited at the fact that she would be going out with a Ricky Martin look-a-like! (this was when he was popular) She dressed herself in a cute outfit, and got in her car for a long journey from Provo to Layton to meet him at the Outback Steakhouse! When she arrived, she walked up to the entrance of the resturaunt, and saw a gentleman wearing jeans, a navy shirt, brown boots, and a hat on backwards... but he didn't look like Ricky Martin!! She said with hesitation in her voice... "Jonathan?" It was him, and they went in and got seated. From the minute they sat down, all the barriers that you face on the first date were all knocked down. They laughed and talked and ate... dessert first (cheesecake with chocolate and strawberries) followed by Steak and Potatoes!! After 2 1/2 hours at the resturaunt, the two took a stroll to the mall and walked around a bit. When Jamie and her friends used to go to the mall, they would go in jewlery stores, and pretend they were getting engaged and try on rings. After telling Jonathan this he promptly took her hand and led her into a fancy jewlery store, and proceeded to trick this poor sales person into the fact that they were getting engaged. He knew exactly what to say and do, seeing that he had been married before. Finally as the sun was setting, they walked back to the resturaunt, Jamie in her socks because her boots that she wore, made her taller than Jonathan. They stopped at the corner across from the establishment... Jonathan standing on thre curb, and Jamie standing in the gutter, and had thier first kiss!! They parted ways, and exchanged phone numbers. Her heart skipped a beat, and she had a perma smile on her face the whole way home.
They ended up seeing eachother every chance they had. Jonathan took her to Chicago to meet his family, which was won over immediatly(of course). Jonathan has three amazing sons who he didn't want to just introduce to "anyone", and he set up a dinner date with them so that they could meet Jamie. This was the most important test of all... no preasure!! The boys and Jamie hit it off, and had a great time! (thanks to McDonalds play land) Then in June of 2000, Jonathan sat Jamie down and said, "Jamie...(stuff about not needing or wanting these other girls that I was competing with... which I don't want to bore you with)... I have thought about how life would be without you and it just makes me want to cry!! So, I was thinking... should I buy a car or a ring?"with a great big smile on his face!! Seeing that she had been driving from her house to Logan twice a week for 9 months, with butterflies in her stomach... she said, "I would love a ring!" Then she promptly ran down to her car, opened the trunk and pulled out ring adds that she had been collecting over time, and showed him which ring she wanted!! They then busted up laughing hysterically that she had kept these, and even had some cut out with holes in the middle... as to see what they would look like on. A few days(a sunday to be exact) later he made the drive down to have a visit with Jamie's father. Though he was terrified... he did it, and her father said, "yes"... but then they called Jamie out and her father told her that it was up to her to talk to her mother about it!! The next day (Monday) they went shopping for a ring... she got to pick out her band... and he picked the diamond! Wednesday, he drove down a surprised Jamie at work and took her on her break(again), down to the jewlery store where her ring was waiting to be picked up! Since on thier first date they went ring shopping, he thought it a perfect thing, so kneel down in the store on one knee and purpose the proper way! He put that ring on her finger and there it stayed... not being taken off except for the night before the wedding!
On friday, September 29, 2000 (he had to wait until she was atleast 20... he was 34) Jamie and Jonathan became husband and wife at the White Willow Mansion in Provo, UT. They were married by Judge Lynn Davis, who also happened to be the judge that was over the adoption of her sister's by her dad. Exactly 1 year after they met, they were in love and together forever!!
Now fast forward 8 years... a son who is a sophmore in college, another who just got his driver's license, one who is a freshman in high school, two beautiful daughters, the same old ratty neon, a SUV, an apartment, and two houses later.... they are still in love more than ever. They are best friends who could not live without the other!
***I am not going to do a big romantic note to Jonathan on here because he won't read it... rather I just wanted to share our story, and some pictures!***
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