So, I was vacuuming the other day and my vacuum just stopped mid section. I thought it was maybe the breaker, so I tried another outlet, but to make me sad... it died. Luckily we bought it at Wal Mart and they will return almost anything( we exchanged 2 lawnmowers last summer with gas in them)... anyway... we have only had it a few months so I still have the box in the garage. So, I went out to get the said box and noticed that there were other boxes in that box. So, I removed the boxes and heard something scurry around, I peered down into the deep box and saw a little beety eyed MOUSE looking up at me!!! I screamed and ran in the house trying not to puke!!! Now, Jonathan has been telling me that there has been a mouse in our garage and I always told him that I would just be happy as a peach to never see that ugly thing!!! So, I called up Jonathan and told him about my little experience and asked him, "How am I going to take back the vacuum in the box with this little creature inside it?" I was not about to do anything with it myself. Luckily he was on his way home from work and told me to put a big box on top and put something heavy on top of it so that it couldn't push the box off. *** What I don't understand is, how did he get in and not be able to get out... for instance, in our basement window well one day while I was cleaning down there, I noticed a little fuzzy verman scaling my window(from the outside), and so I figured they had little sticky cups on their feet or something.*** Anyway... after talking myself out of going and getting a big rock and smashing the poor thing, I waited for Jonathan to go and get one of those sticky mouse traps fromt the store. We...or I guess I should say HE put a few in there in hopes of the little guy running for cover and get caught on one. Well, he did and it was sad, he was squirrming around trying to get off of it. Jonathan then got a glove on, and a shovel and stuck the sticky thing to the shovel and I held a grocery sack open for him to put it in. As he was putting it in, the mouse did a little last jig for his life and scared the crap out of me, I threw the bag into the garbage... not thinking, just glad to not be holding it. Jonathan grabbed the bag, tied it shut, and as the bag was moving put it into another full garbage bag and tied that one shut. EWWW!!! I felt like I had things crawling on me all night long. I guess that is what we get for living in a house that stands on what used to be his little home. But... EWWW gross!!! We had to dump out the box, for he had been in there a long time I think, because there was lots of "droppings". When we looked in the box to make sure we had gotten everything out, we noticed that he had been trying to eat his way out of the box. Now looking back at it, I feel bad for the little guy, but I tell ya... I was freaked out beyond belief!! We now have a few more traps out in case there is a little mouse family living in our garage.