Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Lets take it back... way back!!!

(This is my flashback picture... this was right after graduation, on our senior trip to Cali.)
I saw this post on Kris' blog and thought it was fun. So, here goes my info:

What television show or movie did you want to be in when you were little? I always wanted to be on Day's of our lives, or Saved by the bell, or Full House. Although... when I was little little, I thought I was in a tv show, that the camera's were in our light's and that the people in China watched us daily. I guess it was a version of Reality TV before it ever existed!

Most embarrassing moment your friends will never let die? Oh where do I begin... I have so many. But, I would probably say the most embarassing moment that sticks out the most would be at a stag dance in 10th grade. I was looking for this boy that I thought was HOT, and me and my friends were all looking for him. Annika was up on the bleachers seeing if the aerial view would help. She started yelling for me to come up to her. So, looking cute in my new outfit and new platform shoes (I know... I know) went running up the bleachers. Now, as I am running to her, my heal of my shoe gets stuck on the lip of the bleacher and I go crashing down on my face. Yes, sad I know! Then, I got up and looked to the side of me and noticed that the guy I had been looking for the entire time was right next to me. Oi!!!

Your proudest moment or accomplishment from high school? My junior year grades... I got my first 3. something. I also was the FBLA Club President.

What adult did you have a crush on? oh let see... Johnny Depp, Bruce Willis, and Harrison Ford. Which I still would not be sad to get noticed by them :)

What habit or personality trait do you have of your mother or father that you swore you would never do? Oh boy... I, like my sister didn't do any of those things until I had kids. One of the things I said just the other day... "When you are a parent you will understand!" and hmmm.... "in a little while" and "use your big girl eyes and see if you can find it yourself". The list is endless...

What did you want to change your name to when you were little? Megan. I always wanted that to be my name. That was always my name when I played house and always what I named my Barbies that I was playing with at the time. I liked Michelle too!

Who was your first kiss? Kenny Sperry, not a pleasant one either. He tried to french kiss me and I was so nervous that I almost threw up in his mouth! Yuck!!!

What are 3 adjectives that someone from high school or middle school would use to describe you? happy, friendly, and hyper

What hairstyle, clothes, or other accessories did you rock back in the day when it was cool? I did the skater look for a while, then I did the reall preppy look as well. I wore my hair to my shoulders in jr. high and in high school I cut it to my chin. I wore a lot of jeans and plaid shirts. I also loved rings. I had one on each finger.

What job did you want to do when you 'grew up'? I wanted to be a teacher, a hair stylist, and a massage therapist. I also tossed the idea of being the HR director for Marriot Hotels for a short while in my senior year. But, I would have had to work my way up the ladder and when you work in a hotel, you have to work holidays and such. Not my cup of tea!

What made you laugh harder than you have ever laughed before? One night my friend Kim and her mom and sister and I snuck to a friends house to deliver a big Thanksgiving dinner in the dark. The night started off pretty bad... we hit a cat on the way over there, and then when we got there, we were going to cross the lawn to the front door, and they had it roped off and it was dark and we couldn't see it, so we (I) fell and dropped what I was carrying. Then to top it off, we started laughing and my friends mom couldn't stop and we were laughing so hard and trying to be so quiet, we all almost peed our pants. Also, my brother in law has a laugh that is contagious and anytime he laughs, we all start laughing and then he starts "he he heing" but really loud and high pitched. So, it is always a belly acher when he is around us.

Favorite memories of hanging out with your best friends? cruising main, classic skating, going to Chump concerts and just talking.

What's the most trouble you have ever gotten in with your parents? I signed thier signature on a grade report (because it wasn't a good one) and forgot to turn it in and they found it. Oh I saw the wrath that day!

What was your 5 year plan when you had to write it out in high school? college, work, move to La Jolla Beach with Randy, Mike and Kevin and Kim and live in a beach house, and live the single fun life for a while and then get married. Of course... we'd marry different people than Randy, Kevin and Mike because they were more like brothas!!

And last but not least...What is your 5 year plan now? spend lots of time with my girls and the boys, get a new car, makes lots of friends and as always... get filthy rich (I can dream, can't I)

i just thought this was fun, it made me think and laugh. Thanks Kris for putting this on your blog!! Feel free to do this as well, it makes you go wayyyy back! High School was 10 years ago! WOW!! Wierd!


theamazingjohnsons said...

I loved reading this! But where was I at this stag dance? I must not have been there because I'm sure I would remember you falling on your face. I can just picture Annika up there trying to get a better view. Ahhh, good times. Who was this guy you were looking for by the way? GI Joe perhaps?

The Johnson J's!! said...

No, I don't think you were there with us. I think Kim had gotten in and was with us, it was after a game I think. Yes, I think you would totally remember me falling on my face. It wasn't GI Joe, I think his name was Jeff something. He was super hot, and had no idea who I was. He was a junior and I think I just had seen him in the halls and stuff. But yeah, good times!!!!

Kendall said...

I am so retarded and just realized that you are Jamie from Jr. High! Man, I remember having sleep overs at your house! How are you? You have adorable girls! I am going to add you to my list if that is ok!! I hope you even remember me!

Kris said...

that was so fun to read! I'm totally dying that it's been 10 years since we graduated high school!