Monday, March 10, 2008


Well, this weekend was absolutely grand. It felt like it went for ever, which is always good when you don't see your husband so much in the week. Saturday, Jason and Jeremy were over and Jason, as always, got bored. So, he and Jonathan went downstairs and whipped out ONE of our containers of Lego's. Oh My, I didn't remember how many lego's we actually have. At first they were just picking out of the big ol' box, then it was getting frusterating trying to find things in a limited space of looking. So, we decided to dump them out on the floor. The kids were in heaven. Beene was crawling over the giant pile and Julles was loving the mess as well. Then, they started walking on the pile. Watching that made my feet hurt horribly. I step on one and I am whimpering, let alone a big pile. We left them out on the floor overnight so that they could play with them on Sunday. It was really hard to go to bed with this giant mess all over my family room, but it was fun to look through the pile. These pictures don't give the pile justice, but it will give you an idea of what we played in.
Yesterday, we found some lego's that Jonathan used to play with when he was little. He used to tell me that he still had the lego people that he used to have to make, because "way back then" they didn't actually have lego people, and I used to just think it was a legend, but... we found all 5 of them last night. He had three american and 2 japanese ones. He would take a little block and make eyes, nose and a smile on it and then have a red shirt and blue pants and black shoes. It was fun to see all the history in the box. Also, Jonathan can remember what set's some things went to, and when he got them. Some of the lego's were so old, they were off colored and had teeth marks on them from him pulling them apart with his teeth. Some of the white ones had white out on them to cover up the dings and such. It was well worth the giant mess and the lack of sleep on Saturday night because I was fretting over this pile! We also found the first lego people heads and hair. They are funny looking, they are big and round. We weren't able to find the bodies in that box, so we went through another... yes dumped it out as well. We dumped out probably half of our lego's that we own, and kept thinking about how much money we could make on Ebay. We took out all the people and put them into a box, and figured we could make an easy grand on that box of people. WOW!!!

Well, I had a fun weekend, and it was wierd to have Jonathan go to work this morning and to start our week. But, with how lucky we were to have time together all weekend long. I hope you all had a fabulous weekend as well!!!


Kris said...

Wow, so many legos!! That looks so fun.
There is an amusement park near where I live called LegoLand that has all kinds of massive things built just with legos.

The Johnson J's!! said...

Jonathan wanted to go to LegoLand for our honeymoon... i kindly declined. He however would absolutely love it. He and the boys have talked about going there and Jeremy wanted to design for Lego when he was little. Fun times!

The Johnson J's!! said...
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theamazingjohnsons said...

Wow, that is a ton of legos! Looks like fun for all!