I made a midnight run to the grocery store. When I walked in the doors, there in front of me were more BANANA'S than I had ever seen!! I swear the cases went to the ceiling!! Our Macey's grocery store was starting a HUGE sale on these banana's and were also going to break a WORLD RECORD!!! 66,000 pounds of the yellow beauties!!! It was a gigantic Banana Castle! The whole produce department was covered in monkey's and banana type items. It was very cool, and I knew the girls would LOVE it.
The next day after Beene got home from school and Julles got done with play group, to Macey's we went! The girls couldn't wait to see the "castle". Not only did WE go, but Keri and Kenadee met us there, and so did Gina and Abby. It was a girls outing to the grocery store!! The first thing Beene said as we were walking in the parking lot was, "mom, I hope they have a mascot!" I told her I didn't think there would be a mascot, and she looked disappointed... but then she saw Kenadee and it made it all better. The girls RAN into the store and their mouths fell to the floor!! Then Beene turned around and said, "Mom, this is NOT a castle!!" I then had to tell her that I just thought it looked like one! But, in my defense... they had sold a TON of them already! They were 11 cents a pound!! People were walking around with CASES of them in their carts!!!

We all split up, and did some shopping. Then, we met up at the Deli, where they were serving Banana Splits!!! So, we all (Keri, Gina, all the kiddo's and I) caved in and got some ice cream and splits. They were delish, and the kids loved laughing and talking together at their OWN table! Jaxson was completely oblivious of any of the goings on, since he was sound asleep in the cart! I am amazed he slept through those 4 little girls and their giggles! All the mom's agreed it was time to go home, so we all went out separate ways. I hadn't gotten very far, when I heard Kenadee screaming, "Jilly-beene, you have to come over here.... THERE IS A GIANT BANANA!!!" Beene perked up and went running to see this GIANT BANANA!!! She then came back to me and said, "Mom, I TOLD you there would be a mascot here!" Boy was I wrong!!

What a great time at the store, and with our friends! We couldn't have asked for a more entertaining visit! By the way, they totally broke the record with I'm not sure what, but it was a huge amount of banana's. Lots of people made banana bread that week, I am sure of it!!!