We also played MANY games of Hi-Ho Cherry-o! I am sure that I played it atleast 10 times with the girls over the past three days. Jonathan played with us 3 times. Games are fun to play with the girls because they get sooo excited about everything. With this game, they don't care if they spill their bucket's because that just means we get to play for longer. Beene won several times, and Julles won once, and then I won one and that did not make Beene very happy! How do you "fix" a game where the spinner is in perfect view of the kids?? I tried, really I did. But, I guess it just teaches them that you don't have to win everytime. My mom warned me when we got these games for the girls for Christmas that if I bought them, that meant I had to play them too! But, we had a blast, and it totally brought back childhood memories for me too!
We also played Chutes and Ladders (not a cd-rom game like seen above, the board game), and didn't get very far. Beene got almost to the top of the board and landed on a chute and went all the way down to the beginning. She was not the happiest kid in the house, so she was done playing that game. We tried to play again later, and she just had a bad taste in her mouth. Julles liked this game because she could count with me. She is a great counter!
We also had LOTS of "tea sets"(that is what the girls call them), or tea parties. Beene and her daddy were with one of the sets and Julles and I had her's. We had lots of fun with them, sipping tea and eating pretend cookies and tarts. They can make a pretty "sweet" cup of tea. Let's just say I am glad that it was all pretend, because otherwise, we would have had cups of sugar. They went a little heavy on the sugar and not so much on the cream and tea. Julles is kinda hard to have a tea party with because she will pour you tea and then tell you, "you need to let it cool for a minute" and then when you wait a minute and reach for your cup, she gets mad and starts all over again by pouring out the tea that was in your cup... so I ate a lot of pretend cookies. By the time we cleaned everything up, Jonathan had drank like 10 cups of tea and I had only had 2. For never having girls before these two, Jonathan did a fine job of pretending. Oh and one more funny thing about my party with Julles... I called her Miss Snicklebottom (you know how sometimes people have funny names when you play tea party), and she got REALLY mad at me and told me that her name is "NOODLE BABY!!" So, I learned that we only pretend with some things!!!
We also had a bbq on Sunday with the boys. Jonathan grilled some chicken(that is my favorite thing in the summer to eat, and he hates doing it), and it was mighty tastey! He and Beene also made dessert. They got three bags of frozen berries and let them thaw in a big bowl with sugar on them, and we had them on pound cake, with Cool Whip on top! YUMMY!!! It was our goal to not go many places this weekend, and just have a good time at our home with eachother. I think we met that goal pretty well! We love spending time together and this was a prime weekend for it.
We hope you all had a great time as well, and that you all stayed safe!