Monday, May 19, 2008

about time...

Sorry everyone... i've been super busy lately and haven't gotten a chance to get online much! We've had graduation, birthday's, sick kids... etc. So, here is an update on our fam.

Joseph: He just got done with finals, happy day! He realized that it is much harder in college to catch up than it is in High School. He spent many sleepless nights getting all his stuff ready to hand in. He is moving out into a house with some friends sometime soon. He is still managing at the University 6 theater's in Logan. He is working tons of hours this summer to save money. He also got a new job at some place that one of his friends works and is hoping to make good money there too. We don't see him much because he is the busy college kid, but we do see him on sunday's for dinner every week, which we love!

Jeremy: He is finishing his junior year, and is stoked for summer to come. Maybe he will get his license this summer? He has a job that he doesn't like so much, but it gives him spending money, so that is the only perk for it thus far. He likes to hang out with his friends any chance he gets and is getting really good at computer stuff. He has been taking a college computer class, that he will get college credits for, and he says it is really easy! We are really proud of him, and that he has found such a great interest.

Jason: He has turned total teenager!! He is 13 going on 20. He is a hoot, and still always makes us laugh. He is a super commited young man, and doesn't shrug off things if he says he'll do them. We talked to him about doing the lawn and weeding for us and then we forgot about it. Last saturday, we were on our way home from Orem and he called asking us when we would be home so he could mow. What a great kid. He spent Saturday pulling weeds, and met some not so nice spiders along the way! He is liking to "hang out" with his friends whenever he can.

Jilly-beene: She has now graduated from Joy School, which was a fun day. She doens't quite understand that she won't have school again for a few months. At "gradiation" she got her diploma and the Jolly Rancher award for always being happy. They did a program of songs and then did a play. The play they did this year was an adaptation of Little Black Sambo. They called it "Little Blonde Sara" and Beene was "Mama Jilly-Beene", the mom of the little girl in the story. All the boys were tigers, which worked out well, because they just ran and ran, which is what they usually do. It was cute and they all bowed at the end! She just turned 4, and is so happy because now, she is big and can do mommy things like me! She is now making a list of things she wants for her birthday next year. She had a party with her friends last thursday, it was a Princess Party in the Park. She scored in the princess present area! She wants to go to Disneyland very badly, and talks about it on a daily basis. She also loves the Disney store, and lights up when we go in there!!

Julles: She is now 3, but fighting it badly. She keeps saying, "no, I 2... I noodle baby!!" She doesn't want to be big, only when you have to be big to do certain things. She loves to be outside and i find her sitting on the back porch "looking at flowers" at least once a day!! She loves to ride her Dora bike and climb on the rocks on our landscaping. She has to have her hair blowdried, not air-dried every day. She has been sick the past few days and hasn't had much of an appetite, but sure likes to drink. She has figured out how to open the fridge and get out her own string cheese... now if she could figure out how to open her cheese! She likes to "do my haircut" on a daily basis, with her princess hair set she got for christmas. She does quite well, and tells me to hold still very sternly! She could play at a park and swing all day if I let her.

Jamie: I am doing the same old, same old! Chasing around small children, cleaning, and cooking! I have planned my next girls night for the end of June, we had to cancel May's because of a home owner's meeting on the same day... but we are going to have a blast. In June, my friend Keri and I have organized a neighborhood zoo day! We are going to caravan down to Hogle Zoo, my kids have never been there... so it should be fun. I spend my days going to parks, melting in the sun, and loving my sweet family! I am getting my hair cut on Wednesday... I am soooo excited! It has been over a year since my last one, and I can't wait!!! Maybe I will post a picture... who knows!

Jonathan: Still driving down to American Fork for work everyday, hoping that a promotion is in the works. He drives our old Neon, that is on its last leg... hopefully it doesn't break down on the freeway. He loves his weekends, when he can play with the kids all day long. He loves Sunday's because he see's the boys. It gets him ready for the week ahead!

That is about it for us!! Hopefully it won't be so long until my next post!!!


theamazingjohnsons said...

I'm glad you updated! I love the slideshows of your girls. I have to say that Beene hasn't changed one bit since she was a baby. Her baby pictures look just like her!

Kendall said...

Sounds like you are doing wonderful! I am excited to see a picture of your new do!!