Saturday, October 16, 2010

Muffins with Mom

May 2010:

For Joy School this year, I was in charge of May.  It just so happend that one of my days was before Mother's Day.  Well, I decided that we would do something special!  We had Muffins with Mom day.  The kids made super cute gifts with handprint hearts in a pie tin.  It said, "my hands may be small, but my heart is big!  Happy Mother's Day  2010!" 

On our fun day, the mom's came and we dined on muffins... we had blueberry, raspberry, apple, and bran.  We also had some fruit and juice and milk!  It was all very tasty and everyone loved it!!  I had made little booklets for them to do together about things that they liked.  But, you know how it can get when you get 6 mom's chatting and little kids playing around... yeah, they got sent home to do later... we had too much fun talking and eating!  Then we read The Kissing Hand, which is a wonderful story about a mommy raccoon and a baby raccoon and... oh I could go on for days about this fabulous book...its a must read for any family!  The kids gave thier mommies kisses on their hands and the mommies did the same to their kids.  That way, when they are away from eachother, they can put their hands up to their cheeks and feel that they are loved! 

It was very cute, and very fun to just be able to chat and catch up with everyone!  I am a little more than bummed that I didn't get any pictures!  Darn! 

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