Saturday, October 16, 2010

Happy Mother's Day to me... early!

May 2010:

Beene came home from school one day and was being very secretive with her daddy!  I was told that I could not ask any questions, nor could I come upstairs for atleast 5 minutes... to which I complied.  She had made me something at school, and her teacher told her she was to wait until Mother's Day to give it to me! 

Well, she is her daddy's daughter, and they both don't do waiting very well!!  So, the same night she hid her gift, she begged me to let her give it to me!  So, I gave in and when she handed it to me, tears started coming and it was the most beautiful thing I had seen!!!

Stunning...don't you think?!

I love her handwriting and how she spells things at this age!  It says, if you can't tell... My mom likes Choklit (chocolate), My mom wants Noo Clos (new clothes) My mom is good at Mkeendinr (Making Dinner) and I love my mom because: SHE LOVES ME!!  Boy she is smart to know that!!!  I do, I love her more than words!

1 comment:

keri said...

so wonder she couldnt wait!!