Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Funny kid conversations...

The past week has been full of fun conversations at our house! Here are two of my favorite!

Conversation #1
Julles: Sowwy I dwawed on myself mommy (in her sweetest sorry voice)

( I look at her and she has written all over her legs and feet (top and bottom) with turquoise marker)

Mom: Oh wow, you have given yourself some nice too-tats (that is what they called tatoos when they were younger).

Julles: (she has kind of a New Yorker's accent at times... so use your imagination...) No mom, its not a too-tat, its MAWKA!!! (then she stomped off in a huff)

Converstaion #2
We had school at our house and the boys were playing with Lego's and Beene went over to see what they were doing...

Beene: What are you doing guys?

Caleb: Hello... you're GORGEOUS!!!!

Then Beene came running to me like she had just seen a ghost and hugged my legs.

Mom: Well, you are! That was very nice of him to say!

Beene: Mom, that really embarassed me!!! That was horrible!


keri said...

love it!!! those cute little kid sayings!!!

Leslie said...

Stay away from those boys B! They are trouble!

Carrie said...

I really have no idea where Caleb learned to hit on girls. (I don't think he learned his smooth talking ways from his dad.) We thought we were sheltering him with no TV. I am sorry he is hitting on your sweet four year old.

theamazingjohnsons said...

Those are so funny and cute! They are such adorable girls. I love "mawka!".