Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It's a...

This is me in all my glory at 20 weeks. This was right before we went to the "gender" ultra sound. I have a cheesy grin because I was sooo nervous and excited to see my cute little baby and what we were going to be having...

When we got to the dr's office... there was no wait, and she took us back right away. I got on the bed, and got all ready! She put the gel on my belly and put the wand on me... and then took it off immediatly. Then she asks, "How soon do you want to know the sex?" We told her as soon as she could find it. Then she put the wand back on my belly and said, "IT'S A BOY!!!" He was all ready to show us what he was, in case there were any questions... (you tell me if there is ANY chance this could be a girl...)

See... I'm a BOY!!!

Profile... (look at his buddah belly!)

Can I just say how much I love the 3D ultra sound pics?! They are amazing. I love that you can see all the things that the 2D ones don't show. When I was pregnant with Jillian and Julles, they only gave me 2 pictures... what the sex was and their profile picture. Well, this time I think I got like 10 pics. WOW!! He has two hands, two feet, his heart looks great, and his brain looks fantastic. He measures exactly right with my due date of August 27th. My father-in-law, Joseph, and Jason's bday is on the 28th, and so now my FIL wants me to wait until that day to have him... I am shooting for like the 16th or 17th! We got to see a lot of his hands and feet... he likes to put his arms and hands up by his face(you can see his little hand in the picture above), and he likes to cross his ankles. He is going to be a cutie... (I may be biased!!!)

His cute little face!!!
Now for a name...
All of the grandkids on Jonathan's side of the family are all "J" names. (I think I have mentioned that before!) It is getting really hard to find a name that we both like and can agree on. When we first found out yesterday, Jonathan decided on Jack Boxley. We both love the name Jack, and Boxley was his grandpa's middle name. But the problem is... I have a nephew named Jack! So, after much convincing, Jonathan decided that we could look at other possiblities. So at 2:00 this morning, after checking the numerology on a whole lot of boy "J" names... we have decided on Jaxson Boxley Johnson. We both really like the name and are excited to meet little Jaxson. He will be a great addition to our family. I have always enjoyed that Jonathan was brought up with 2 sisters. He knows how to treat ladies, and can decorate pretty well too!!! I am glad that this little boy will have two great sisters, so that he will know how to treat women. Of course it is awesome too that he will have three great brothers who can teach him the "boy" ropes.
I am really nervous about diaper changes (my mom and I have been peed on one to many times by my nephew when he was a baby!!) and worst of all the circumsision. I told Jonathan that he had to be there for that, because I was going to be out of the room. Poor little guy!
Well, the girls are sooo excited... you know they are now going to have a brother with the same name as Hannah Montana's brother... we hadn't thought of that when we decided on it... but it still works!


Joel's Family said...

Congrats!!! That is exciting news. It looks like he is growing well and enjoying his incubation time. Hope you are feeling well. Your picture of yourself is way cute. You look cute prego.. Congrats and the name is super cute..

Katie Petersen said...

Congratulations Jamie! How exciting! And the name is so cute! You look so great!

Jana Nickle said...

Congrads Jame...How exciting!! A boy!! Yay!!! I love my boy!!! Way cute name too! I like the spelling.

keri said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the name. (obvioulsly cuz i had mentioned it when you found out) i am glad that numerologically (is that the right word, or is that even a word??) JAXSON works out to fit in perfectly with your 'J'johnson family!!! i am SOOOOOO happy for you ALL!!!
big big smiles

theamazingjohnsons said...

I am so happy for you. Little boys are very sweet. It's fun to be able to have at least one of each. Isaac did the same thing in his ultrasound. As soon as they put the wand on his belly I knew what he was!