Sunday, February 10, 2008

Another Girls Night in the books!!!

Girls Night Out is the highlight of my month. When I was growing up, my mom knew everyone in our neighborhood and then some. I always felt safe with all my neighbors and loved that I knew who lived in what house. Well, moving into my new neighborhood was a great thing for me. I decided that since I have this big basement, and I wanted to get to know the great people in my neighborhood other than at church or at the playground that I would do a monthly get together. I started in June and have had one every month except December. My friend Amy is a Stampin' Up director/demonstator. She has these great projects that you can do with a group of friends and she comes with everything ready to go, you just put it together and gab and eat. I have had people begging me to do another one since our last one in November. So, we got one together and had it last wednesday.

What fun we have at these things. We have three tables set up and we usually have between 9 and 15 people come. At each table this time we had a different card to make, we made four of each card so a total of 12 cards. We did it so that you could make them into birthday, thank you's, just because and anything else that you could think of. That way, if you needed more of one kind, you could make it that theme. We also did one that was kinda valentiney!! It is just a great to get together and chat with people and really get to know the people that live around you. I completely recommend doing something like this. We have had other ideas like chick-flick nights at someones home that has a theater, or a game night, or a cookie exchange night. We have been doing a lot of Stampin Up nights because it is so fun and you get to make super cute things.

I am going to start taking pictures of our fun times and one of my favorite parts is the food part of the entertaining, I want to start posting the recipes that I use. If you know me very well, I love to cook... I love to entertain and making the food is always the part that gets the most attention. This last time I was proud of myself because usually I go way overboard on the food and this time I only had a few things out. I was totally excited that day because I had gone to the dr and I have lost 11 pounds over the last 2 months. So, instead of doing some majorly fatty food, I did a colorful veggie tray with "fat free" ranch dip and some fake cream puffs which were super easy and yummy. My friend Keri brought some super yummy peach-mango salsa and chips and my friend Sandy brought some trail mix. Anyway... i have to dig out the recipe for the cream puffs and I will post that later.

I am greatful to my husband who completely supports me having people at our house once a month and always helps me decide what to serve and such. I am such a lucky girl to have him in my life!

Well, that is my blabbering for the moment!! Caio!

1 comment:

theamazingjohnsons said...

I wish I lived by you so I could come. That sounds like so much fun!