Sunday, April 26, 2009
Baby April Update...
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Our newest addition...

I guess this would make me a grandma now... WOW, grandma at 28!!! That has to be a record!!!
Uncle Jeremy is really liking that title!! She has a lot of men in her life... boy is she going to be spoiled rotten!!!
Mommy, Daddy and baby all come home tomorrow!! We are having her family over for dinner, and the guests of honor will be getting plenty of attention. I am sure after tomorrow, I'll have many more pictures to share!!!
I am so proud of Joseph, he really stepped up and was a real man!!! He was there for her when she needed a hand to squeeze and was an ear to listen to her screaming and hurt for her when she was crying, and tried to do everything he could to make her comfortable. He hasn't left her side for a moment. He is going to be a great daddy, and Laurie is going to be a great mommy. We have only known Laurie a short time, we have enjoyed getting to know her and love her.
A big CONGRATULATIONS goes out to the new parents!! We love you and wish nothing but happiness for your new little family!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Push Julles, Push!!!
I guess I have watched Baby Story one too many times with the girls!!! When you don't think they are paying attention... they surprise you! To be honest... I have only watched it like 3 times... they just have a photographic memory!!
The girls make me laugh so hard. They think that pregnancy is fascinating and are walking around with stuffed animals in their shirts! I have yet to get a picture of it, but when I do... I am totally posting!
Name update...
Jaxson Boxley Lafayette Johnson... it is long, and he'll take forever to learn to write it... We really feel that this is what he is supposed to be named. Everytime we would not be sure, whenever we would talk about it, he would give me a swift kick inside!
Oh how excited we are!! Thank you all for your nice words and advice! The girls are stoked to have a little brother... hopefully when he is older and terrorizing them, they'll still be stoked!!! Ha, ha!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
It's a...
When we got to the dr's office... there was no wait, and she took us back right away. I got on the bed, and got all ready! She put the gel on my belly and put the wand on me... and then took it off immediatly. Then she asks, "How soon do you want to know the sex?" We told her as soon as she could find it. Then she put the wand back on my belly and said, "IT'S A BOY!!!" He was all ready to show us what he was, in case there were any questions... (you tell me if there is ANY chance this could be a girl...)

See... I'm a BOY!!!

Can I just say how much I love the 3D ultra sound pics?! They are amazing. I love that you can see all the things that the 2D ones don't show. When I was pregnant with Jillian and Julles, they only gave me 2 pictures... what the sex was and their profile picture. Well, this time I think I got like 10 pics. WOW!! He has two hands, two feet, his heart looks great, and his brain looks fantastic. He measures exactly right with my due date of August 27th. My father-in-law, Joseph, and Jason's bday is on the 28th, and so now my FIL wants me to wait until that day to have him... I am shooting for like the 16th or 17th! We got to see a lot of his hands and feet... he likes to put his arms and hands up by his face(you can see his little hand in the picture above), and he likes to cross his ankles. He is going to be a cutie... (I may be biased!!!)