Thursday, February 12, 2009

Beene's latest craving...

A few weeks back, we read a story called "D.W the Picky Eater". In this story, D.W talks about all these different foods that she doesn't like (most of them, she hasn't ever tried), and says that she definatly doesn't like SPINACH!!! Through this story, you see how picky she really is. She ends up eating SPINACH not knowing it until they tell her she did, then she decides that she LOVES it!
After reading that story, Beene asked me if I thought that she would like spinach. I told her that she would because I like spinach! And she likes the things that I like! I wasn't about to tell her that she wouldn't, like most kids! So, every day for the last few weeks, she has been asking... no... more like begging me to try spinach. So, yesterday I went to the store to get stuff for my menu's for the next two weeks, and I got her some spinach. For dinner last night, we had baked chicken, wild rice (the stuff with the brown crunchies, is what Beene calls it) and spinach that had been sauteed in butter and garlic. For me... it was YUMM-O!!! I was a little worried that she had built it up so much in her head, and that she wasn't going to like it. I gave her just a little bit to try, and she ate it all... and LOVED it!! She had two helpings, and talked to me the whole meal. This is what she kept saying: "Mommy, I can't believe that I LOVE this spinach sooo much!", "Mommy, I am not a picky eater, huh?" and so on. It took her forever to eat her food because she was making these comments the whole time! This morning she asked me if we had some left over, I told her yes, and she growled "Mmmm... I want some"
Now, this is how my conversation with Julles went last night at dinner....
M: Here Jubie, can you try just a little bit? See if you like it?
J: No, I don't yike it!!!
M: You don't know if you like it, you've never tried it...
J: I only like WHITE spinach!
M: Oh, ok!!!
Did you all know that there is WHITE SPINACH??? Apparently I have made it and not known it!!! What a funny kid!! She really wouldn't try it... I guess I'll try again another time!

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