Sunday, October 5, 2008

Tagged by Katie...

Here are the rules:

Link the person who tagged you.

Mention rules on your blog.

Tell about 6 quirks of yours.

Tell 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.Leave a comment to let them know.

Quirk #1: I check my email and friends blogs about 3 times a day... I don't know, maybe I don't want to miss out on any little thing that happens. Jonathan says it is an addicition, and i think maybe he is right!

Quirk #2: I have to sleep with a the radio on... when I was a teenager, I had to go to sleep with the radio, but it was music... now that I am married to Jonathan we listen to talk radio, and he would be fine to sleep without it, and I always ask him to turn it on. I guess it is because our house makes noises in the night, and this way... I don't have to hear them.

Quirk #3: I really like to grocery shop... it is my zen time!! When Jonathan and I were dating, and I would call him after work (at like 10 p.m), and while I was on the phone with him... I would go home, change my clothes and then go to the store... I would walk up and down each aisle, and then leave... I don't have to buy anything, I just like to be there! Wierd, I KNOW!!!

Quirk #4: I have to put my jammies back on after I take a shower, I can't put my clothes for the day on... I still haven't figured out why... I just can't!!

Quirk #5: I get my lesson plans for school done months in advance. I don't teach until december, and I am almost done with them. I guess I am OCD, and have to have them perfectly planned or something.

Quirk #6: I don't like anyone else to load my dishwasher... there are specific places for each thing, and no one but me does it the right way!! And as much as I would love someone to unload the dishwasher for me... like Jonathan... but things never get put back where they are supposed to go!!

Wow, this made me realize that I am a tad OCD... thanks Katie, that was fun!

I TAG.... anyone who hasn't done this yet... I think all the blogs that I read have done it!! For those of you who haven't, Have fun!

1 comment:

theamazingjohnsons said...

This is so funny. I check my email/blogs all day too. I also hate it when other people load my dishwasher. There is a correct place for everything!