Sunday, October 5, 2008

The answer to a cold day...

So, yesterday was a rainy, dark day. It was a day that I didn't want to do much but veg out in my jammies and eat lots of food. This morning, it is freezing, and I was tempted to turn on the heat! As I was getting ready to make breakfast for Jonathan and the girls, I remembered a great gift that my sister Stacey gave me for Christmas last year.

Let me introduce to you, for those of you who have not ever seen or used this fabulous device... THE COCOA LATTE'!!! It is fabulous because it makes your hot drink, not too hot... just perfect! You put in your water or milk, then your mix or other ingredients, put on the lid, turn it on and wait. You then hear it mixing and mixing whirling that mixture around as it is HEATING it. Then it stops whirling and it is at just the right temperature. Then you hit the froth button and open the spout and it pours you a hot frothy cup of cocoa!! Top it with marshmellow's and you are going to be cozy warm. This is a great thing for the girls, because they want hot chocolate all the time, and using this makes it awesome and just the right temperature that they won't get burned! I also love it because you can make more than a cup at a time. My sister makes something yummy with milk and brown sugar... I haven't tried it, but I hear it is to die for.

So, here is a public thank you to Stacey for this great little cozy maker!! It helped us hugely this morning as we were shiverring and getting under lots of blankies!! For those of you who have one, use it this fall and winter... for those of you who don't have one, GET ONE!!!

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