Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hello my name is Jamie...

... and I am a Twilight addict. I have now read books 1-3 and midnight sun two times each! I heard about Midnight Sun, and decided that I would not read it due to the fact that it is unfinished. However, I could not resist... my "edward loving" side of my brain (the one that knows he doesn't really exist, but really likes the thought of him) won out!! After reading 12 chapters online from my computer screen, I couldn't just stop there, I had to finish the story in the first book. Well, anyone who has read these books, will know that you can't just read the one... you have to read them all! Well, fast forward 4 days, and I am waiting for Keri to finish my 4th book so that I can start it.

I think I have a problem, because I dream about it constantly! Jonathan feels neglected. The girls are even starting to ask about vampires! My friend Emily emailed me the new movie trailer and I watch it multiple times a day! This movie couldn't come out sooner than.... NOW!!! I hope I am not disappointed!! I have built this up in my head to be something amazing and fabulous. (I AM A GEEK, I KNOW!!!)

Someone help me, I need a sponsor or something!!


theamazingjohnsons said...

Okay, do you need to call me whenever you get the urge to do anything related to vampires and I will talk you out of it? You are too funny.

Erin said...

That's so funny. My name is Erin, and I am also an addict. I actually haven't read Midnight Sun, because I know I will have to do exactly what you did, and right now, things are too nuts. But have fun!

Kim said...

For some dumb reason you haven't been inputted into my google reader account, so I haven't kept up on you. Now that I am caught up and you are added to the "in" crowd of my life, I can keep up.
I just started the last twilight book. I was into something else when it came out and it is so big that I have been avoiding it, but now that I am back into that world, I am loving it! I only let myself read on the treadmill, which means I have been on the treadmill twice a day this week!! (that's why I give myself that rule). I guess midnight sun is next on my list!

Emily said...

Jamie, Jamie, Jamie... I'll gladly be your Twilight addict buddy. I have to be honest... in honor of the movie coming out next month, I started to read the series over again as well. I'm about to start book 3! Us addicts need to stick together!

Katie Petersen said...

Hi, my name is Katie and I'm a Twilight addict ( Sounds like we need group therapy or something)...=) So, I can't get over that movie clip either! SOOOO GOOOOD!!!