Thursday, August 14, 2008

Oh be still my stomach!!!

This morning, I made myself a yummy breakfast, since yesterday I slept in too late to have breakfast! From my tastefully simple party I had, I got this yummy Cinnamon Muffin Melt Mix. I bought it because I LOVE MUFFINS!!! So, I made them, and added some chopped apple. I thought that you put the cinnamon inside the muffins, but you don't!!! It's even better!! Let me take you down memory lane for a moment... When my sister Kristy her family lived with us, my brother-in-law Chad used to make these delicious Apple Scibbers(I don't know if I am spelling this right or not!!), they are like apple cinnamon muffins and then you take them out of the pan and cover them in melted butter and then roll them in cinnamon sugar! Well, they were gone as fast as he could make them. After I got married, I called him to find out the recipe for these tastey treats... he told me NO!! He said that they were a family secret! So, I have been drooling for them for years! Well, to make a long story short... these muffins are almost exactly the same, but if you promise to not tell Chad... BETTER!!! You bake the batter in the muffin pan, without the paper's, then you let them cool 10 minutes in the pan. You then melt 1 stick of butter and cover the muffins in it and then roll them in the cinnamon sugar mixture. Oh my... I was in heaven!! I had to limit myself, but have some put away for me to have tomorrow!!!

This is the first of many products that I am going to be trying... and I'll keep you posted on how they are!!!

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