Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My husband...

IS THE GREATEST!!! Why, you ask? He called me today and asked me out for a special night away from the kids. Next weekend, we are going to stay at Castle Inn in Salt Lake and he is taking me to see Journey, Heart, and Cheap Trick!!! Can you say.... SO EXCITED!!!

I am suffering from PERMA-GRIN tonight!!! We have tickets center stage, 7 rows up!! WOW!!! I am a huge Journey fan, and their new lead singer is FABULOUS!! He is a phillipeno guy who the lead guitarist found on YOUTUBE!! He sounds actually pretty dang close to Steve Perry!! I also LOVE Heart! Jonathan is a giant Cheap Trick fan as well, so all around a great concert for us to go to! Before we got married, I got him tickets to Styx and REO Speedwagon. The funny thing was that I was the youngest person there. Even funnier, 8 years later and Styx is having a concert here in Logan on Friday night. WIERD!!! I am so excited and can't believe my husband did such a great thing for me!!! We haven't been away for anything like this since we have had kids!!! SUCH FUN!!!

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