Thursday, July 10, 2008

Grammy panties...

Our little Julles has decided that she wants to be potty trained!!! Hooray! She has been doing really well, not having accidents except one or two. So, I bought her some panties of her very own, since she has been wearing Beenies. I got her some Little Mermaid ones and then just some fruit of the loom ones from wal-mart. She was so excited when we got home from getting them, that she insisted on wearing them asap. I usually wash them first, but she really wanted to be big, and wear some. So, she picked out a pair of the fotl ones and we put them on. WOW, they are really high waisted. I told her how cute she looked in them, and how big she looked in her "granny panties". I told her to go and show daddy, and she went in and said, "daddy, look at my cute grammy panties!!" We got a good laugh at that, and then she went in to show Beenie, and said, "Beene, look at my grammy panties!!" Now, she is conviced that her panties are called "grammy panties"! She asks for them by name everytime she wants to put them on.

I compared them to Beene's panties, and they are significantly higher in the waist. But, she looks so big, and so cute in them. She walks with her little bum waving in the wind, and doesn't like to wear pants with them. We are lucky if she will wear a shirt with them. I wanted to take a picture of her in them, and post it on here... but I think that is a little unappropriate! But, you can imagine, how cute she is!!!

1 comment:

Jana Nickle said...

So fun! Dont-cha just love it when they were big girl panties? Its so nice. What a big girl!!!