Sunday, November 8, 2009

Julles First Day

On September 1st, Jullsie had her VERY OWN first day of school! I am excited this year, she will be her own little person, and her personality will completely come out. She has always done what Beene has done, and said what she has said... so now she can be HERSELF!!!

She was very excited and couldn't wait! She was ready to go by 9:00, and was mad that school didn't start until 10:00.

School this year is going to be fun, she has already gone on a ton of field trips, which I have only gone on 1... this is very hard for me, as the last two years, I have been on ALL of them! She is learning so much already, and loves her "school days". She loves that she has her very own friends, and that she is a big girl!

The annual "sister's first day" picture, Beene's is missing of the two of them because Julles was barfing her guts out that morning! They are such cute friends and I love them more than I think I could ever explain!

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