Saturday, May 9, 2009

Beene's big day...

Beene came to me with a real bad toothache a month ago. I took her to the dentist, and they told me that she had 8 cavities, and needed some teeth pulled. He told me that it is less tramatic if they put them under in a hospital O.R and get them all done at once. So, we got her scheduled, and her big day was yesterday. She was really scared about having to go to the hospital, but really wanted her teeth fixed.

Yesterday, our day started bright and early. We had to be at the surgical center at 6:30 in the morning. Jonathan stayed home with Julles since she has been the projectile vomitting queen this week... but that is a whole other post! So, Beene and I sang Disney Princess songs the whole way to the hospital, and we were loaded with blankies and her "Put me in the zoo" stuffed animal. We got her all registered, and they took us back to our room. They gave her a coloring book of what would be happening to her during her surgery, so that she could show Julles all about it. We laughed, and she cried cause she was nervous, and my heart sank when they came to take her away. It is hard to let someone you have only talked to for a short few minutes take your baby away from you, with them telling you they'll bring her back in an hour and a half!!!
Anyway... here are some pictures of my Beene at our little hospital girls morning in!!!

Beene in her stylin' hospital jammies... which she tought were pretty cool. However, the cool socks they gave her, were not her favorite. They were HUGE on her tiny feet and ankles. They also itched her very bad... she doesn't do well with itchy socks!!!

Now we can't forget the awesome hairnet, which she didn't understand why she had to wear... and once we got it tucked behind her ears, she was ok with.

Me and my Beenie post-op. She was a little cranky, and couldn't stop crying... she kept telling me she didn't know why she was crying. She didn't like the i.v in her hand, and she said that her mouth hurt very bad. They gave her morphine during the procedure, and then they gave her some lortab while I was holding her. She drank a ton of apple juice, so they took her i.v out... that made her a happier kid.

Dr. Doug said everything went as expected, they had to do a few more small root canals, to save teeth from having to be pulled later... but she did great. The anesthesiologist nurse said that she was very brave, and sat on the anesthesiologist's lap to learn about how she was going to go to sleep. They called me during the middle, to tell me that they had extracted two teeth, and one was not salvagable, but the other one was... did I want it? Yes, then the Tooth Fairy can come. She was pretty excited about it, and had to show everyone her tooth when we got home. She is now CAVITY FREE, and her teeth are CLEANER than they have EVER been!!! WAHOO!!!!

The final result... beautiful pearly whites!!! Her two front teeth were curved before from being chipped, and he reshaped them and put some pretty white sealer on the fronts. They are silver in the back so that they don't chip off from her other teeth and food. She has 4 silver crowns in the back, and she has two holey's from getting her yucky teeth pulled. She has stitches in her gums, on one tooth spot because it was so absessed that it had pulled the gum away.

But, here are her beautiful teeth, that she wanted to share with everyone!!!

Thanks to Dr. Doug... the bestest pediatric dentist in the valley. Thanks to the super nice nurses that helped make our little visit as "not scary" as it could have been. Thanks to Dr. Nelson the anesthesiologist that made my Beenie laugh and smile for a split second when she was so scared and nervous, and finally thank you to Beene for being so brave, and for letting me SNUGGLE her lots and lots yesterday.


keri said...

jilly beene...
you are so brave!!! i can't wait to see your beautiful smile. kenadee has been very sick so we have stayed away!!! she would love to play soon. and your birthday is coming up soon!!! can't wait to see you and julles...and your mom too!

Katie Petersen said...

What a brave girl! I haven't seen ya in a while! I miss ya! Hope your feeling good!