I am starting to feel all the moving around. I can't wait until you can feel it on the outside so the girls can feel it!! Everytime I tell them that it moved, they immediatly lift up my shirt to see if they can see it. I tell them that they can't see it, or feel it yet, but that mommy can! It is starting to sink in a bit, they don't flash my belly as much as they used to.
I am very large, and sticking out a lot... I guess that is what happens on your third baby! I have also had the dr check twice now to make sure I don't have another baby hiding inside there!! I am starting to not fit into my "big" clothes anymore. If any of you out there have any maternity clothes, that would be willing to part with them for a short while... I would gladly take them! (and of course, get them back to you!) Finding preggo clothes is hard to come by here in the Cache Valley!!
I am excited to find out what Baby J is, whether we should be getting prepared for a little boy (which everyone says I am going to have), or to get out all of the cute girl clothes and things that I have luckily not sold yet! I don't get to find out until the end of March, or the beginning of April! I hate that I have to wait that long, but the time so far has been going by very quickly! It seems like just yesterday I found out this big surprise!
Just a little note on my due date... i HAVE to have this baby either before my due date or RIGHT on, because on the 28th, we celebrate Joseph, Jason and Jonathan's dad's bday! I don't think I could handle four birthday's in one day!!! So, with my record of early deliveries, Beene 10 days early and Julles a whole month early... I think I am safe to say that I won't be going OVER my due date!!!