Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Some goings on...

Wow, it has been a long time since I actually "posted" anything of real content... so I thought I would do a catch up post!

December was my month to teach school. It was so much fun! We made parent gifts, painted with cranberries, learned fun songs, had secret buddies (and kept them secrets), had a jammie/movie day, and had a great family party with all our Joy School Families, complete with a program of our songs! Then kids were awesome, and never lost the true meaning of Christmas. They kept talking about how they were excited for Santa, but knew that it was really about Jesus, and that giving was much better than receiving!! School made for a very busy, but productive month!

We went to our friends annual "Cup of Cheer" party and had a blast with lots of laughs and great mugs!!

Christmas: We had a wonderful Christmas, full of fun, laughter, and lots of family time! We woke up at 5:30!!! The girls were scared when they woke up that Santa would see them, and they didn't want to be in trouble for being awake when it was still dark out! They both had a fantastic time seeing what Santa brought for them. They took a long time going through their stockings and kept saying, "Mom, Santa knew I would love this!" Who knew that oranges were sooo important to a little girl! That was the "bestest" part of the stocking goodies for them both!! Good thing "Santa" made a run on Christmas eve for those "special oranges"!!! They now can rock out the show just like Hannah Montana, with their guitars (complete with microphone), and keyboards. They also got a fairy dress up kit, which Julles had changed her clothes atleast 5 times before the boys go here at 6:15.

Joseph spent the night at our house, which was tons of fun! When Jeremy and Jason got here at 6:15, Joseph stumbled up the stairs, not sure why he was awake at this unearthly hour!! Oh how soon they forget how they used to be that excited!!! Our morning was filled with lots of laughs because Jeremy got us all spot on with our gifts that he gave us. He was very creative this year! The boys got their sisters the ever asked for "CUPCAKE MAKER" (that lost its pizazz after they made one and said that they tasted bad), they were super gitty, and couldn't wait to make one of those things!

For our family gift, we got Rock Band for our PS2. We thought that they boys would have a fun time with it, and that we would just watch! WOW, it is the best present in the world! We have had some of the best family time with this thing. We all play... even the girls. They sing, and do a mighty fine job! Joseph is an expert at the guitar, and Jason can rip it up on the drums, Jeremy is our singer, and Jonathan, Rick and I fill in when needed. The three of us have spent many nights up late playing and honing our skills at the guitar and the drums!

Jonathan was very good to me this Christmas... he got me an i-pod with a speaker pod for my kitchen so that I can listen to some tuneage while I am cleaning, and making dinner. I love it! The girls got me a Nintendo DS Cooking game. I am so excited to learn how to make some really cool french food! Jeremy got me some cool things that you can put on food in the fridge and it will tell you how long it has been in there. I have a thing with not having things go bad!! Jason gave us a 2 hour babysitting night and some bubbly and some beautiful wine glasses. Jonathan got a camera for his laptop, and a super small mouse for it as well. The girls stuck with tradition and got him a great Lego pack! We also got a GPS for our car... VERY COOL!!!

We had a great time with our family, and loved every minute of time we had together! What a wonderful season to share with our friends and loved ones!!

New Years: Last year, Jonathan and I were both in bed by 10:30, I was determined to not let that happen this year!! So, we stayed up until 2!!! The girls were sooo excited for our "party" which included dinner and then we made cupcakes, and the girls were able to decorate their own and then at 9:30, we put a candle in, lit it and screamed "HAPPY NEW YEAR" over and over!! Then we took them out on the FREEZING front porch and did those confetti poppers!! Then it was to bed for the kiddo's! Then, Jonathan and I went downstairs and rocked the house with Rock Band. I totally lost track of time, and didn't even know that it had struck midnight until like 12:45!!!

Now things are back to normal with school and work. My house is yet to bounce back to pre-christmas... but I sure am trying!! I have taken my tree down, and put all the Christmas treasures away, but everything else is still kinda in chaos!!

We are so grateful for our family and friends and for the blessings that each of you bring to our lives. I am so glad to be in touch with great friends from the "old" days, and getting to know each of you again! Thank heavens for the internet!!

May you all have a fabulous New Year!!!
(there aren't any pictures on here because something was wrong with our camera, and Jonathan has to do some major editing of them al!!!)

1 comment:

keri said...

what a great holiday you had with your family. i will have to bring kenadee over so we can 'rock out the show' sometime. oh...yes i did know that car seats expire!!! today was fun at sallys, until the end :( thanks a bunch