Friday, November 7, 2008

Feeling like a mean-o...

This morning, my girls had a really hard time going to school. I waited at Miss Erica's house with them, trying to talk them into staying for 15 minutes. Beene finally decided that she would stay if she could show off her drawings that she made yesterday. She had brought them in the car and I had told her to leave them there. So, out came the pictures, and she stayed. Julles on the other hand, would not budge. Usually when she says she doesn't want to stay, I tell her she has to go home and go to sleep, with NO blanky and bink!! Usually by the time I get the car started, she is begging to go back in! Today though, she called my bluff, or atleast tried.

So, as I am typing this... Julles is in on her bed, with no bink or blanky, and just sitting there. We have now been home for 1 hour and we have a little over an hour to go. I feel really bad that she is in there, but I can't NOT follow through with a consequence.

She will be in there until 12:30, at which time she will come and have lunch, then we will go and pick up Beene. Can I just say that when I used to stay home from school, if I wasn't sick, I had to sleep... no tv, no music, no toys... nothing, and I HATED IT!!!

update: right after I posted this, she told me she was ready to go to school!! I don't think she'll call my bluff anymore!!! Now, she can be at the last hour of school, and I can get ready for the day!


Emily said...

Good for you! Hold to your guns! I know - you feel like the biggest meanie in the world when you do!

keri said...

way to go miss stuck to your guns and i am so proud. it is hard i know and sometimes i give in. good job!!! lets get together with the girls soon. smiles

Carrie said...

Way to go mom!! You did it! Now you just hope the lesson sticks.

Emily said...

Oh where oh where has Jamie gone? It's been like 5 days with NO post! What do I do? Where do I go? When will she be back?