Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Carving and Guts fun...

Last night was the long awaited Pumpkin Carving Festival at the Johnson house! We were lucky to have Jeremy join us as well. We haven't carved pumpkins with the boys since we lived in our other house! It was super fun, and the kids had a great time!

Jonathan is the master carver... I am the master cleaner outer! He cut the tops off of the kids pumpkins for me (because the big knife scares me, only when cutting pumpkins!), and I started cleaning them out. He helped the girls figure out what shapes they wanted on thier faces, and then started carving away! Here are some photo's I was able to get...

Jonathan the master carver, carves with much precision, and skill! They turned out beautiful, as always!!
Beene and Julles had more fun playing with the "guts" than anything! They were burying the cut-outs in their goop and then acting surprised when they would find what they had burried! At first, Julles wouldn't have anything to do with it, then she thought she would try... and she was covered in it by the end! Beene, stayed clean... but the floor would have to disagree.

Jeremy, who is getting into politics at the time, wanted to put "Vote Nader" on his, but he opted for something much easier, since his cleaning process took WAY longer than he had imagined!! We had lots of fun having him here with us!

The kids finished products! L-R: Julles, Beene, and Jeremy!

Even Rick got in on the fun of the evening!! He said he hasn't carved a pumpkin in years... welcome to life with children in a home!!!

This is Ricks pumpkin. We all decided it looks like a Jack Skelington jack-o-lantern!
We had a great time! The kids had fun, our house smelled of pumpkins, and we had lots of laughs! The girls had to go out as soon as they woke up this morning to see if their pumpkins were ok! Cute kids!

1 comment:

Kendall said...

super fun!! We did the same last night! Eddie really gets into it too! How fun!!