Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dress-up diva's and other fun...

So, the girls have been asking me and asking me when they get to put on thier Hannah Montana costumes. They always take it really well when I tell them, "not today!". So, today I gave in and we played dress-up for a bit. Needless to say, the girls did not like the wigs so much, they only kept them on long enough for me to get them situated on their heads. However, they LOVED the dresses, and the outfits for the under's! Here are a few of their photo shots that I got of them, and I'll try to post a video of my little diva's as well!!

Our little diva's!! They were singing at the top of thier lungs! Aren't they the cutest HM's ever??

Julles and her "punkin", she chose one of the bigguns!!

Beene and her "punkin" that she picked out all by herself, carried it to the car and all!! Her's is the smallest of the bunch, but still good sized!!!

My cute little chica's!!! I love them to pieces!!! Do you blame me???

This is Beene's rendition of "Best of Both Worlds", the venue is our front walk way, where she has given many a performances!!

This is Julles version of "Best of Both Worlds", also at the same venue... but you'll notice her routine is a tad different, she gets a little side-tracked!!


Anonymous said...

They are the best of my worlds!!!! They are priceless--you are so lucky that you will have these memories for a long time----xoxo mom

Erica said...

I can't blame you for adoring them, I think they are pretty spectacular myself. They really make me laugh at school. Beene told me I had a cute diaper box (It is a brown leather cube, not really that exciting.) They are just so happy, thinking that everything is cute and fun. Fun girls!

Joel's Family said...

Way cute. You got to love the DIVA they must get that from there mom right?

Kendall said...

your girls are so cute!

theamazingjohnsons said...

They are the cutest Hannah Montanas I have eve seen!