Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We have...

May 2010:

Firebelly Toads... 2 of them to be exact!  The girls have been asking for a pet for a long time.  So for one of their belated birthday gifts, they chose to go to Petsmart and pick a pet.  We looked at fishes and birdies, and those weren't going to do it for them. 

Instead, they picked these:

Meet Cricket!  She is Julles' toad.  She is bright green on top and bright orange on her belly.  She is definatly the more hyper of the two.  She is very hard to catch and hold.  She actually tried to escape from the cage the first day.  She somehow got out through a small opening in the lid, and Beene found her sitting on top.

This is Samanda!  She is Beene's toad.  She is much more mellow than Cricket and is much easier to hold.  She is brown on top and blends in with the drift wood we have in the tank, she too is bright orange on her belly.  She is the "piggiest" out of the two when they eat, I guess size doesn't matter in toadville.

Jonathan and I are both trying to get over the eww factor.  I don't mind the toads, but the crickets that they eat, they give me the eeby geebies and I can't hold the bag that they come in.  It makes me feel like they are crawling all over me.  I would rather get the toads out of the tank.  

The girls love them some toads!  We were lucky that they wanted the same kind, since we only had one tank, and other types of frogs and such can't be in with eachother.  These are great started pets, and I am glad that we have them.  They make really cool sounds, but only at night and it is very quiet.  

Welcome to the family!   

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