Monday, October 4, 2010

Punkins 2009

October 25, 2009

These are our fabulous "punkins" that we got this year! The girls picked them out themselves and Beene even carried hers to the car on her own. She was so proud!

The girls love to get down and dirty with thier "punkins" and get all the guts out and then while Jonathan and I clean and carve, they play with the guts and make wonderous things with them! It is alwas a fun clean up job :)!!!

Ta-da!! The final product of all our hard work! They have so much fun doing this! It is hard to have them wait so long after we get them to carve em'... but you don't want them to rot!!!

Here is our Punkin King 2009!!! He was so great, and slept for most of the carving time! He fits perfectly on his little punkin!! What a cutie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a fantastic photo down her dress! for such a young girl she's starting to develop