Sunday, August 2, 2009

Wow... its been a long time!

I can't believe I have gone this long with a post! Not a single post! Where do I begin... it has been such a busy, yet uneventful summer!

First, we have moved into our new house! That was a job that I am glad is over! Though it was only 4 houses up, which I thought was going to make it somewhat easier, was harder than moving across town. Jonathan thought we were moving the weekend after we REALLY were moving, so he hadn't really gotten on the "moving ball"! So, it was kind of a rush job. We had great friends help us move, and are grateful to Mike and Ty for all the heavy lifting they did!! What great guys! We really love this house, and it is slowly but surely becoming our own, and we are very comfortable here! It is so quiet, it is crazy!

Moving into a house with an unfinished basement, makes for lots of extra things that you have no where to put! So, what to do with ALL the extra stuff... GARAGE SALE!!! Not just one measly garage sale... three weekends in a row both Friday and Saturday of each week! It was exausting, but we got rid of a ton of stuff! It will be nice when we can park in our garage... coming soon!!

The girls have had a ton of fun this summer with thier friends and finding new places to play in our new house! They have gone to birthday parties, and friendship parties... picture's to follow on that one (thanks to Keri and her blog!). They have spent many nights up at the park, running through the sprinklers and getting soaked to the point that while running home, their pants fell down to thier ankles, and they kept running anyway, laughing all the way!!! Julles has managed to have a rough few weeks though!!! She got her head cracked open and now has a big ball of superglue holding it together. Thank goodness for long beautiful thick hair... you can't see it unless you move the hair around! The same week, she came down with strep! YUCK!!! Julles also has had the first "my own haircut" of both the girls. Luckily she only made it look like she was growing her bangs out! It wasn't catastrophic by any means! She was more embarassed than anything!

Both girls are now sleeping in panties... what an accomplishment for us! It was a long road, but we finally made it! Beenie is getting ready to start Kindergarten... time to start going to bed earlier, so we are used to getting up earlier!! Julles doesn't start Joy School until September, so it is going to be sad and hard when Beene goes and she has to stay home! But, fun times for us to have some time together!

Joseph and Laurie and Baby April are doing great! We have gotten to see a lot of the girls this summer, more than we thought we would, and they are coming back to Logan for good in a few weeks! April is getting so big. She is 3 months old now, and has started rolling over and cooing and laughing. She has got a great smile... and when she gets real excited, she smiles so big that her whole face squints!! They are moving into an apartment in two weeks, and it will be nice to have them together! Joseph is starting school again in the fall, he has been working all suumer. He is still majoring in Political Sience, and is still planning on going to Japan with Laurie and April in a year. They are really looking forward to that!

Jeremy is in the process of finding an apartment to rent with his friend. It will be good for him to move out on his own! He is sooo smart with computer's and is hoping to land a job with a web hosting company! He will be starting USU in the fall. He has a job with Vector which is a division of Cutco, and so if you are in need of some great new knives for your kitchen... let me know and I'll pass it on to him!!

Jason has been a marching band machine this summer. He is gone every morning with practice, and LOVES every minute of it!! He has been in lots of parades... and is getting VERY tan!!! He is getting lots of muscles and is starting to care about his "abs" and such! He is getting excited to start High School. We have hit full teenage-dom with him, and so far so good! We haven't gotten to see a ton of him, but we cherish our sunday's that we get to spend with him!

Jonathan is having lots of fun with his lego's and getting them organized. At the current moment my house looks like a Lego bomb went off, and there are lego's everywhere!!! He is bracing himself for a new baby, and at the same time trying to get an office opened here in the valley! It will be much easier to work from an office, than here here at home!!

As for me, I am VERY pregnant, and looking at my last 4 week stretch!! 36 weeks and counting!! I don't think I'll make it that long though! I have been having some serious "con-jaxson's". When I went to the dr on tuesday this last week, I was dialated to a 2 and was 80% effaced. So atleast these contractions aren't just sitting idle! If I go to the dr on friday this week and I haven't progressed more than that... I will be SHOCKED!!! There have been a few times that I thought it was "time", but then I lay down and they slow down! I am ok with him not coming right now, seeing that when Julles was born at 36 weeks on the dot, she was in the NICU for 2 weeks, and I would really like to bring this little guy home when I come home! So, we'll see!! I am super lucky to have such great friends... they gave me a shower last month, so that I can get some boy things!! It was so much fun, we had some great laughs and my family was able to meet the friends I talk about all the time, and the other way around! As for gifts, I scored! My great friend Gena took pics and I even put them up on the computer to make a post, and then Jonathan decided to "fix' the computer and erased all of our stuff... I have to see if he was able to recover EVERYTHING!!! If so, I am so doing a post about lots of stuff with pics!! I am getting so ready for him to come, but at the same time... I am SO NOT READY!! I have his bed set up, and the bedding on it (which is sooo cute.... blue and brown!!!) But, that is about where my readiness stops!! My nesting instinct hasn't kicked in until NOW!! I am giving myself this week to get my house in order... ya know, I have lived here for a month and a half and my bedroom still isn't unpacked!!! Then, he can come, and I can feel confident that I will come home with a new baby to a CLEAN house!

I hope summer has kept you all busy and safe... we are still alive and kickin', just inside where the AC is in full swing! I have managed to only swell a few times, and that was when I was sunburned... I have never NOT had ankles before, and my toes looked like sausages, but I made it through and hope to never have that happen again!!! Seeing my ankles again was a FABULOUS thing!!! Lucky for me that it rained for half of the summer, and was cool outside, so I haven't been dying, like I thought I would be!

More posts to come, with pics... and unless I have a laptop by the time Baby Jaxson comes, Jonathan will be on Blog dutie the day of, to announce the arrival of our cute baby!!! Love to you all, and until I write again... HAPPY SUMMER DAYS!!!


keri said...

great have been busy t his summer. and i have not seen enough of you and the girls lately...kenadee is dying to play with them!!!

Emily said...

It's about time.

amber said...

wow! I can't believe you're down to a month!! I hope everything goes well from now til baby day!!

Jennifer said...

Yaay, you're back! Hope everything goes well this next little while. Let me know if I can do anything to help! We would love to have the girls over to play. :)

Emily said...

Yeah - and now it's been a really long time again...