However, Joseph and Jeremy are very political minded these days. Both with thier own beliefs and people they support. Joseph has been an Obama supporter since before he announced he was running. A few weeks ago, he made a treck to Colorado to campaign for Obama. Jeremy has just made his political agenda known to us recently. Last wednesday, he drove down to SLC with Jonathan and Rick, and went to the Nadar/Gonzales ralley. He picked up a bunch of free stuff including, bumper stikers, pins, and a few yard signs. On Halloween, while we were trick or treating downtown logan, we stopped in at the Obama headquarters, and ended up walking out of there with a shirt for Joseph, that normally is $15, but because my husband is incredibly talented, he got it FREE. We also got him some bumper stickers and little round stickers, and last but not least, a yard sign!!!
This is what the park strip in front of our home looks like:
I am just glad that we can support our kids in thier freedom of choice, and though we may or may not always agree with who they may choose, we are very proud of them for having a voice! Sunday dinners get a little heated with political debate, but it always ends nicely! So, we have one who has already voted, and one who is just 3 months shy of being able to, and is not happy about missing his chance!
Just call us supportive!
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