Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Beene and the Nativity...

On Saturday, I was busily getting ready for Jonathan's dad and his wife to visit. I ran out and got the mail, we got some lovely bills and other fun things. One of those lovely things was a Hallmark Christmas mini book. Beene was looking through it, telling me all the things that she wants for Christmas. Boy does she want a lot of things, and she THINKS she is going to get everything that she asks for. Anyway, I was finishing the counters in the kitchen and I heard her talking to Julles, she was explaining some things.

Here is how the conversation went:

Julles: I want that for Christmas!!!

Beene: Yeah, me too!

Julles: What is that?

Beene: This is Jesus, Mary and JOE!!

Julles: Oh, Mommy look there is Jesus, Mary and JOE!!

Mommy: Oh, do you mean Joseph?

Beene: No mom, Joseph is my brother... this is JOE!!

She was so determined and serious while talking about this. How funny!! Then this morning, I had gotten out of the shower, and came into my room and she was talking to me about some random things. Out of the blue, she asked me what Jesus' mommy's name was... I said, "Mary"... She looked at me confused, and then thought a moment more... "But mom, is that the same Mary as 'Mary had a little lamb'?" I tried hard not to laugh, and told her that it was ok to have two different Mary's!! She is really into "mom, that rhyms!!" and usually it doesn't and we have to have the same conversationon a daily basis, that they just sound the same, or that they start with the same letter. This was a whole new ball game... Mary/Jesus' mom, Mary/and the lamb!!

I love how she is trying so hard to be a big kid, and learning so much!

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