Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy 28th Birthday to ME!!!

Well, I have now officially turned 28. I say officially because since I was born in 1980, I can easily figure out how old I am by what year it is! So, since January... I have been 28! But now, I really am!

I had a great day yesterday!! Jonathan had us all stay up past midnight on tuesday night so that they could tell me Happy Birthday! That was fun... however, Beene didn't quite make it that long, she was snoozin' way before that! I woke up and looked at the clock and I had slept in until 10:30!! WOW!! Even better... the kids didn't wake up until 11. I had a voicemail from my mom, singing me our special birthday song, that I cannot miss hearing. She had a meeting and wanted to get her singing in before it started!! One of my cute neighbors brought me some yummy treats and a card, all before I got out of my p.j's!! Jonathan wanted to take the kids shopping with him for my gift, and Julles didn't want to go... so she stayed home with me and went on a walk. While Jonathan and Beene were gone, he asked her what they should get for me. This was how their conversation went:
Daddy: Beenie what should we get for mommy?

Beene: umm... pink diamonds, pink jewels, a pink ring, a pink tiarra, a wedding vail, and a wedding dress. Oh... and running shoes! And daddy, I have to say "surprise" k!

Daddy: How about we go look at flowers and cakes?

Beene: ok, do I get to walk?

So, they came home with some beautiful roses, that Beene had picked out and she walked in the door yelling, "SURPRISE MOMMY!!" She was carrying them in the house, and water was going everywhere, but she was so proud to give them to me!! They also picked me out a beautiful cake, to go with the rose idea!! Then she picked out princess wand candles for me to "make a wish" with. It was all very cute and well thought out!!

Then, my cute family took me to dinner at Black Stone for some steak. This is a new resturaunt in Logan, that is very upscale for a city like this. I am glad I tried it, but I don't think I'll ever go back. After dinner, we went and got Jonathan's glasses in to be fixed, and then did some shopping. Before going home, we went for rootbeer floats. After our little treat, and getting things put away, the girls and I headed up to the park behind our house for a neighborhood gathering. I got up there, and they all started singing "happy birthday" to me. That was very nice and way unexpected. I got to spend the evening chatting with great friends and getting to know people that I don't talk to very often. It was very fun. Then, we went home and had cake with Jonathan. Our night ended with "Camp Rock" a movie by Disney Channel with the Jonas Brothers. What fun I had with my little girls dancing and singing along with the movie. Jonathan has had more fun, but he enjoyed watching Beene and Julles being little girls!!

I had lots of phone calls and lots of emails, with wishes of a good day and year. I recieved cards and gifts from great friends. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful family and great friends that care for me. Yesterday, I welled up a few times just at the fact that people thought of me on my birthday! Thanks for being in my life!

Now, tomorrow I get to go and get my hair cut and colored, thanks to Keri and Kenadee and Jonathan. Then, on saturday... before my big 10 year reunion, I get to go shopping with my mom and dad! How fun, I love birthday weekends!! The boys are also coming home saturday from thier family reunion, and that will be fun to see them on Sunday... WE HAVE MISSED THEM BADLY!!! My niece Sarah will also be here on Sunday for her first away for school dinner!! The first of many to come!

Here's to another great year!!!


Teresa said...

Happy (late) b-day! Your cake should have said "Happy B-day Rosebud"!!!:cP

Emily said...

Happy Birthday!!! It's was fun to see you at the salon this morning. I hope you felt pampered...

theamazingjohnsons said...

I'm so glad you had a good day!

Jessica said...

Happy Happy Birthday Jamie Dear...ok that was kinda lame. Anyways, I haope you had a great day. Here's to the age 28!!