Friday, August 8, 2008


This is how my morning went:
-Wake up at 7:30, finish cleaning up the family room and sweep up the play-doh from under the table.
-Calm Julles down, who woke up from a bad dream of someone taking away her bunny... which I didn't know what bunny she wanted... Beene's bunny that she got for Easter a few years ago.
-Start to get ready for my 10:15 hair appointment, to enjoy 3 hours of no kid time, and get pampered!!
-Got a call from Keri (who does my hair), saying that my appointment wasn't until NEXT friday!!

Don't you just hate it when you look forward to something all week, and then find out that you wrote it on your calendar the wrong day!!! So, on goes my day of laundry and cleaning!! But, I guess its ok, since next saturday is my 10 year class reunion, and now I'll look extra spiffy!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I hate that...but I have an appointment with Keri next week too! We'll both look good. Don't forget - before you sit in her chair, take a look around the salon. You never know who might be listening... LOL