Monday, July 7, 2008

Halloween Costume... already???

Yes, Beenie has already started talking about her halloween costume for this year!! Last year she was Sleeping Beauty and her daddy was her Prince Charming. He wore his super nice suit and held her hand as they walked from place to place. Then... when she got sooo tired and her feet hurt... he picked her up and carried her. For a while, she wanted me to be a witch, but then changed her mind. But, for Jonathan... he was Prince Charming from day 1. My beautiful Sleepin Beauty sitting on a rock, taking a load off... She looked sooo pretty!!!

Prince Charming carrying Sleeping Beauty back to the car after a long walk trick or treating downtown stores!!!

Now, fast forward to this Halloween. What has she been adimant about being for halloween this year... Celia from Monster's Inc!!! How does she go from Sleeping Beauty one year to Celia Welia this year??? I don't even know if I'm going to be able to find a costume for this!! Maybe I'll be lucky and she'll find something that she likes more... since we have 3 months to go!

Oh yeah... She wants Julles to be Mike Wizowski!! I thought Jonathan would have to be him!!! However, Julles wants to be Cinderella!!!

Can you see Julles as this???

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